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  1. D

    Underfed plant?

    Great... My city has had water quality problems in the past too. Specifically so much manganese in the water that it turns brown (didnt feed plants any of that). I'll grab some r/o water for the flush. Thanks again for your help, guys.
  2. D

    Underfed plant?

    Interesting, thanks! I made the mistake of getting into 5 gallon pots that still hold water for 7-8 days, wasn't sure if it was a good idea to give just water for that long. The water that I use comes straight out of the tap with no evaporation or anything, could chlorine also be playing a role...
  3. D

    Underfed plant?

    Yes. According to the seed provider they are 8week flowering, although I probably won't be harvesting on exactly May 1. I just looked at the plants a moment ago, and one of them has gotten quite a bit more yellow than it was yesterday. The edges of some of it's leaves are curling up too, don't...
  4. D

    Underfed plant?

    Thanks for the advice! Would you recommend feeding one more time to avoid severe def at harvest?
  5. D

    Underfed plant?

    Hey guys, I'm trying to get some advice on what to do with my plants, they are in their final weeks and look sort (to me) nutrient deficient. I have been feeding them every watering, since they are in huge pots and get watered about every 8 days. They got flushed halfway through flower as well...
  6. D

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    I know the pH is definitely not too acidic, if anything it's too high. I have a test kit it's just impossible to get it bang on with the colour comparison. My tap water comes out around 8.0 I'm not sure why. Grotek ph up/down if that matters. The plant I fed yesterday doesn't seem to have gotten...
  7. D

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    Water going in is ph'd to about 6.5 when there is no nutes, but the sensi grow nutes are ph perfect and balance to 6.5 automatically. I do have very alkaline tap water and it's possible I didn't adjust down the ph enough. I fed one with a little bit of nuted water waitng to see the results at...
  8. D

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    Growing indoors 5x5 tent with a 1000w MH in a cool tube. 3 White Widow feminized from Crop King Seeds (side note: out of 10 seeds these 3 are the only ones to germ) I water when they lose most of the water weight Growing in peat moss with dolomite and perlite mixed in (store bought mix) Plants...