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  1. K

    Favorit Heatsink (maybe f. alibaba)

    Hi, I'm from Europe and i buy in Bulgaria, website is vikiwat. Price is very good, i buy only Aluminium cooling radiator bar for Cobs.
  2. K

    Help regarding choosing solution for adding UVA/UVB LED's to a DIY COB LED grow light.

    Hi Did you know / have test already this kind of UVA COB ? : Power 20W. We can find some more powerfull (100W and 200W) at Flip Chip Opto (fcopto). But the question is : What the plant needs of UVA Power ^^ Regarding the UVA Tubes, the major problem is the lifetime : most of them...
  3. K

    UV T5 Lifetime

    I have the answer : " We recommend changing the lamps after every 18 months of use. The longer lamps are used, the less light they put out. After 18 months they will probably be emitting only 50% of their initial peak output. Lamps however can work for years though. " Well im very sceptical...
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    UV T5 Lifetime

    Hi all, I would like to test some UVA T5 but i have not find the lifetime of Agromax tube. I see 1y warranty but not other specifications. Could someone tell me the frequency of replacement? With the Philipps Cleo for exemple, its 400hours or 800hours so they must be replaced at each new...
  5. K

    What is my PPFD?

    Wow thank you for this reminder ! But now i'm scared : i have 2000 PPFD (12x cxb3590 @1050mA on 0.54m²) ! So i have to remove some Cobs :/ ? Or i increase the distance with the canopy ?
  6. K

    Matching Drivers and COBs

    Thank you i got it now :bigjoint: so i have to refer to this graph ? :
  7. K

    Matching Drivers and COBs

    I'm sorry i miss something : a driver is like a battery : 238V in the circuit ? or it deliver only the COB needed ? For working, the COB needs 36V of constant current ?
  8. K

    Matching Drivers and COBs

    Hi, I don't understand something, for exemple let's start with HLG-240H-C1050B (238V output) and 6x COB CXB3590 @36V. In series, we got 238v / 6Cob = 39.66V in each COB ? It's not dangerous ? Thx