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  1. K

    Discrete outdoor drying methods

    Ahhh yeah i know the carbon filters your talking about thats a great idea thanks
  2. K

    Discrete outdoor drying methods

    I think ill keep and eye on the house down the road ive snuck in before and there is no sign of human life lol. Investing in a rubbermaid will be a must if i dry outdoors. Ps whats ona?
  3. K

    Discrete outdoor drying methods

    No there is no shed sadly ive cosidered using the abandoned house down the road but the risk of losing my harvest are to high for my liking. The property isnt huge the only place i could really do it is down the side of the garage. Really needs to be inexpensive and little to no smell. And ill...
  4. K

    Discrete outdoor drying methods

    Hey ladies and gents soooo recently i have had to move and so have my plants, they are currently staying with a friend. Problem one of my plants will be ready to harvest in about a week and because i am temporarily living back at home i have no way of drying the buds without my father (ex-smoker...
  5. K


    Thanks haha for some reason it wont allow me to upload my video annoying!
  6. K


    Hey guys I was given these plants awhile ago from an indoor grow, all I know about them is that they are clones and that's about it lol. Anyways I've let nature do its job and they have been happily growing outside. I'm curious if you watch the video how far along do you think the flowers are on...