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  1. Tu sheng peng

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks man valuable lesson learned
  2. Tu sheng peng

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks man , so one more question the seeds that will come from these plants will they be any good ?
  3. Tu sheng peng

    Seed pods everywere

    Will I be seeing seeds from her?
  4. Tu sheng peng

    Welcome New Members!

    If your right man my whole crop might just be ruined dang
  5. Tu sheng peng

    Welcome New Members!

    Do you know at what point male plants pollinate because I checked that male plant and it didn't seem like it was releasing pollen when I cut it .
  6. Tu sheng peng

    Welcome New Members!

    So here's my other girl , do these calyx look normal for this stage she's in week 4 or do these look like possible seeds?
  7. Tu sheng peng

    What Does A "Swollen Calyx" Look Like?

    Ok so this is one of my other girls , now do these calyx look normal or can I expect seeds? I did squeeze one off and it was soft ,I'm about to start week 5 of flowering should I be concerned?
  8. Tu sheng peng

    Welcome New Members!

    T thanks for the responses guys, it was a gift so I'm not sweating it but I feel a lot better knowing that it was a male .
  9. Tu sheng peng

    Welcome New Members!

    Any idea on how she went male on me if she was from a feminized seed?
  10. Tu sheng peng

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guys noob here , I'm wondering if I jumped the gun on one of my girls she was showing little balls but no pistils so I chopped it down.But thing is it was a feminized seed, Any info is appreciated thanks.
  11. Tu sheng peng

    What Does A "Swollen Calyx" Look Like?

    Hey guys noob here , I'm wondering if I jumped the gun on one of my girls she was showing little balls but no pistils. Any info is appreciated thanks.
  12. Tu sheng peng

    Is this a seed or a swollen calyx?

    I know this a super old thread, but Im wondering if I jumped the gun on one of my girls I saw little balls and chopped her down. Any info is much appreciated. First time farmer. Thanks in advance