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  1. K

    Ever grown White Rhino? Need harvest advice

    Dude, WHITE RHINO is not even close to Sativa. It is a heavy Indica, with ridiculously wide and round fan leaves. I could name it Indica from a mile away from the plant because of the short, stalk bushiness of the plant. Don't give people advice if you don't know what your talking about.
  2. K

    Simple question

    I am growing three white rhino plants under a 400 Watt HPS. Currently in week four of flowering. We use FloraMicro,Grow,Bloom along w/ Diamond Nectar, CarboBlast, and BudBloom. I am wondering approximately how much bud I will get off of one plant. I am hearing mixed answers. But just gimme an...
  3. K

    Buds look different. But same strain

    I have three white rhino plants that are currently in the third week of flowering and looking good. Not stinking the place up yet though. The biggest plant of the three, has smaller buds, white hairs are shorter and skinnier, buds arent as full. The two smaller younger plants have way bigger and...