Thanx Larry!
I'm going into the 5 gallon smart pots.
Their only getting about 10 hours of "direct" a day. I'm thinking thats the cause of early flower.
Not sure with premature flowering if I should trim em' up and make a stoney shake or start new clones and seeds.
Hey Larry.
I learned from this community, the clear cups in the red solos will allow viewing of the roots.
I waited till I saw a few roots on each hugging the clear plastic to move into 1 gallons.
I also moved them to a more spiritual space (lol) to get as much sun as possible.
Thanks for...
Progress Report:
Getting rain water for clone to 1 gallon transplanting.
I will be moving the girls into Foxfarm Ocean Forest this week. Using clear "cracked" clear cups inside solos is allowing to view the roots. I can see a couple streamers from Durban Poison n Blue Dream. Pretty Cool still...
Great stuff Warrior. Im up early to find the neem solution.
Off point for a minute, for a sleeping aid for insomnia Diamond OG works pretty good.
I'll really need patients with this crazy ass OC weather and wondering wtf El Ninos gonna deliver.
Thanks BKB! I'm beyond excited and anxious to learn and share as I go. I will make mistakes being a 1st timer for sure. My plans are to share my experience from seed/clone to my bong.
Picking up cotton Candy Candy, Pineapple Express and Blue Dream clones tomorrow. I have 5 gallon grow bags in Tupur soil. Any suggestions or directions are sincerely appreciated.