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  1. Dreaming in Green

    Step by step in Canna coco ??

    Thanks man. I'm not expecting nobody to hold my hand the whole way through. It would be nice though lol. I guess that's in a perfect world. Maybe I'll find some journals and blogs that give their step by step procedures in coco to help us get a good start.
  2. Dreaming in Green

    Step by step in Canna coco ??

    Me and my buddy @Bear23 are really wanting to learn how to run in Coco and learn some DWC since they're related so close. Our store only Carries Canna Coco products so that's where we'd like to start. Thanks to any responses in advance.
  3. Dreaming in Green

    Step by step in Canna coco ??

    Ok so far from all the areas I've looked at in Coco I see a lot of good information but it's all scattered. Is there any step by step threads in Canna Coco without seeing arguing and tid bits of info here and there ?? Just straight forward non interrupted procedure on what to do. Now that would...
  4. Dreaming in Green

    Welcome New Members!

    Thank you very much.
  5. Dreaming in Green

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello Everyone. Looking to learn as much as possible about growing in Coco and DWC. Any advice is greatly appreciated.