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  1. Jetty Rat

    Alibaba Shenzen Glow experience

    I am extremely interested in the outcome of your transaction with Chan Sam. I am in the middle of a quotation process with the guy and he doesn't give shipping charges or delivery date estimates, just says shipping terms are FOB, which is pretty darn open ended. I'd love to see someone have a...
  2. Jetty Rat

    Bml or illumitex

    Damn, bro, if you got a time machine I'm surprised you're still messing around with LEDs and internet forums. Shouldn't you be off getting all Marty McFly and shit? Oh, hey, that reminds me, if you're making a round trip to late 2017 any time soon will you grab me a few dozen of those...
  3. Jetty Rat

    Bml or illumitex

    Slap some black electrical tape on the heat sink and make sure you're taking your readings from there. Those digital spot radiometers assume emissivity of 0.95, which means that reflectivity is only 5%, leading to extreme probability of error when dealing with aluminum. Electrical tape has...