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  1. U

    my opinion of growing with bag seed

    if the plant has been polinated and produces seeds then its a good chance that the seeds will turn out to be males but if you got seeds off a plant that were produced by stress then that are hundred percent female... basicly the plant thinks its in danger so it preserves all its female dna into...
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    100watt hps on a 230v ballast?

    Thanks for the comments... Can anyone els confirm that a 100w hps will work in my ballast that i used for my 600w hps? I dont want to cause any fires e.g. Im looking to do a mini vertical grow in soil from seed. Will i need proper ventilation for a mini grow? In Mr Robinsons thread i read that...
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    100watt hps on a 230v ballast?

    what about a 150watt does the same rules apply?
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    100watt hps on a 230v ballast?

    ok im looking to do a steath grow... but im on a low budget. I already have a 600 watt hps... I was wondering if i could use a 100 watt hps bulb with the same ballast is this possible? Thank you for your time...
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    im 6 weeks into flowering and about 5% of the hairs have changed colour im planning on flushing on week 7 will the hairs change colour in time for harvest? because im planning on harvesting in week 9 and i dont know the characteristics of the plants because there from bagseed ... should i start...
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    First grow 600watt hps very limited buget unknown strain

    i always underfeed never overfeed and to be onist i have no idea what the npk is on the nuts im useing atm they dont say anything on the bottle accept 1ml to 2ml per 10liters yes it could be because im only useing a strip ph reader... match the collours lol i heard if i had a digital ph...
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    First grow 600watt hps very limited buget unknown strain

    Yes but i only was useing 2 x 25watt cfls for veg i did not have the hps then...
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    First grow 600watt hps very limited buget unknown strain

    Slight tip burn from light being too close i moved them up like 5-6 inches there getting very tall colas are looking very good :D flushed today to get rid of old nutes out the soil ... for some reason the bottom fan leaves on one plant has gone yellow and look like there dieing all i can do is...
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    First grow 600watt hps very limited buget unknown strain

    Finnaly they are in there 3rd week of flowering they are all female no signes of male at all they had a slight stetch but not too much enough to handle with ease... all i have to do is keep stress to a minimal and i should be ok cant believe i got all females from a bag seeds lol used bloom...
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    First grow 600watt hps very limited buget unknown strain

    i raised my light by 2 inches yesterday there gonna b tooo big lol :)
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    First grow 600watt hps very limited buget unknown strain

    next week im looking to start useing bloom for feed... hopefully i should have some nice juicy buds soon :)
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    My First Grow (Indoor)

    pictures would be nice sounds like a decent setup what are you planning on useing for flowering?
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    Looking good? comments please +rep :)

    thank you for your comments hopeing to have nice juicy buds :) not keeping my hopes up because there is a possiblility that they will become hermies how likely is this?????
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    Looking good? comments please +rep :)

    unfortunalty they are from bagseed i would have brought seeds but i did not have the money to purches any...
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    Looking good? comments please +rep :)

    My first grow one week into flowering with a 600watt hps...
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    leaf burn???

    ive noticed more of these so called water spots on the plants it looks like its spreading also there are insects in the soil there really small and jump when i touch the soil ... what are these things and will they kill the plants ????
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    leaf burn???

    ive noticed some burns not sure what the cause is could i be useing too much nutriants? also some leafs are curling upwards how can i fix this ...
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    First grow 600watt hps very limited buget unknown strain

    New pics first day into flowering been veging for like 3 and a half months... im using a 600watt HPS now
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    2 quick and easy questions

    you should veg once you pot your clone to begin rebilding the rooting system so veg for about one month so it gets to a nice size then put it in flowering dont forget once you put them into flowering they will double or maybe even tripple in size so keep this in mind... you should think about...
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    Advice Please! week 4 of flower sativa bagseed.

    yes your lady will love it :D