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  1. Stoner_boy42047

    Need details on a grow light?

    Uuuuugggghhhh this sucks lmao wish I knew more about lights so I didn't get my hopes up. So it's not worth it to get these? There aren't any dents or anything the only thing that's been done to them is someone put that plywood on the hood to attach some metal wires to hang them up. Filthy with...
  2. Stoner_boy42047

    Need details on a grow light?

    Yeaaaaaaa so basically if I use these lights I'm gonna have to get a bunch of other stuff for them to work? And the chick said she grew near 100 plants under two of these lights
  3. Stoner_boy42047

    Need help with grow light info

    Hiya I know someone selling a couple of these lights but they know nothing about them. They work fine she showed me and whatever but neither of us know about them and what they are worth and I want them. Grew some dank indoor at my friends house and now would like to try on my own. Could someone...
  4. Stoner_boy42047

    Need details on a grow light?

    I know completely nothing about lights I've only grown outdoor so sorry for my lack of knowledge on indoor growing I'm pretty dumb
  5. Stoner_boy42047

    Need details on a grow light?

    Oh also you can't plug them in to a normal outlet
  6. Stoner_boy42047

    Need details on a grow light?

    They were used in the winter and a couple times like 8 years ago when they were new so they are old and the hood hasnt been cleaned once so it's covered in dust from sitting for like 10 years. There are no numbers or anything. also how many plants could you have under two 250 watt lights?
  7. Stoner_boy42047

    Need details on a grow light?

    Hiya I know someone selling a couple of these lights but they know nothing about them. They work fine she showed me and whatever but neither of us know about them and what they are worth and I want them. Grew some dank indoor at my friends house and now would like to try on my own. Could someone...
  8. Stoner_boy42047

    What strain??

    Anyone have plants with solid purple stalks? Never heard of it or seen it before until this... Its mostly Afghani... I`d really like to find more information about this strain
  9. Stoner_boy42047

    When do I make my plants flower ?

    So Iv got 10 plants here and most of them have the 8th-9th node. Started them from seed day 1 was march 17th and i am just wondering when I should make them flower and what month would I be able to harvest ?
  10. Stoner_boy42047

    How do you choose your grow spot?

    Yea the metal netting is for animals haha I mean any deer or animal can come get high with me but the weeds gotta be dried first hahaha thanks, there's a little river down at the bottom of the cliff all ya gotta do is take a pump and fill up the bags every few weeks or so
  11. Stoner_boy42047

    How do you choose your grow spot?

    Thank you hahah I have 32 plants started and currently germinating a lot more seeds
  12. Stoner_boy42047

    How do you choose your grow spot?

    Hidden cliff landings are nice. No helicopters or planes around in this location, gonna put black tarp over the water bags and put bluff miss all over it and bushes and stuff
  13. Stoner_boy42047

    First time growing and growing a crap ton

    Yup I agree with you, a camo pattern would totally help. Since there's bluff moss all around I'll put plastic over all three bags and cover it with twigs, moss and leaves
  14. Stoner_boy42047

    First time growing and growing a crap ton

    Well whatever is more I'll go with lol And there ain't any eyes around unless it's like 100 miles away. we have black plastic tarp I'll use to surround the bags with. Plus it's all hidden in a crack in the bluff. I'll cover the bags up
  15. Stoner_boy42047

    First time growing and growing a crap ton

    Haha yes 32 is kind of a lot... But Iv seriously got nothing else to do besides this. Iv got a lot of time on my hands and I have a lot of help. I have quite a few locations to plant them. Thanks man will do both indoor and outdoor, Iv got a shit ton of room all around me
  16. Stoner_boy42047

    First time growing and growing a crap ton

    Okay so... I basically live in the middle of nowhere, and in the middle of golden weed growing territory. Iv got 32 plants started, and a hell of a lot of seeds being germinated as I type this. My dad is an experienced weed grower and me and my brothers decided to grow a crap ton of dope so this...
  17. Stoner_boy42047

    Show your ladies off newbies

    Kinda real small for Day 22 lolol probably the biggest newb here
  18. Stoner_boy42047

    Show your ladies off newbies

    12 plants in total. I have more seeds started need to get them planted and will do that today. Day 22
  19. Stoner_boy42047

    Day 20 and they are this small...?

    I will let it recover. I was told that they needed to be transplanted in to bigger pots. I did it as careful as I could
  20. Stoner_boy42047

    Day 20 and they are this small...?

    Yes, I did notice the stretching and was going to do something about it so I put the plants on a cardboard box so they were closer to the lights till I put them in new pots and did what you said and buried the stretched stems. And The neighbour Gave me the soil *hes also a weed grower* so I'm...