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  1. Chillin710

    just another noob update.25 more days left in flower ,how much do u think I'll yeild?

    Just remember your plant produces around 30-40% of yield in the last 2 weeks
  2. Chillin710

    Pig4buzz auto flowers outdoors

    So if you don't smoke it, what do you do when harvest comes around? pollenate them? Throw them away or reveg them?
  3. Chillin710


  4. Chillin710

    More time & money into fewer plants = Larger Plants/Heavier Yield

    Thanks everyone for all the advice and tips. I'll defiantly invest some money into more organic additives, and I do have a connection for Chicken manure. I know a grower who lives by it.
  5. Chillin710

    Outdoor New England guerrilla grow

    I'm a new England native but my strains aren't great for up here I've never had many problems with mold, but some seasons I get stuck with sativas seems like a lot of new England growers have getawaymountain genetics in their patches. Is their a seedbank with these genetics or can you tag him?
  6. Chillin710

    More time & money into fewer plants = Larger Plants/Heavier Yield

    The native soil is very low ph and I don't have enough money to invest in a bunch of bags of promix ($29.99 locally) or FFOF($17.99 locally) to fill giant holes in the ground but maybe I'll just big some good 25-35 gallon holes and line them with trashbags make a good mix of peatmoss, FFOF, and...
  7. Chillin710

    More time & money into fewer plants = Larger Plants/Heavier Yield

    I've been growing for several years on and off, last season was my best year yet. I'm in the Northeast US so we have a shortened season especially for sativas. Last year I pulled about qp off 3 plants. This year I have 10 seedlings, on accident nute burned 5 afgoo seedlings in the beginning so...
  8. Chillin710

    They say 3 weeks of rain for New England.

    Wouldn't be too worried plants can handle quite amount of rain with proper drainage. I'd be more worried about insects and rodents eating our seedlings.