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  1. justataylor

    Do I have a deficiency? Leaves have weird decolored edges

    fuck.. i think so, I watered with a bit of nutrient and it got on the lower leaves too
  2. justataylor

    Do I have a deficiency? Leaves have weird decolored edges

    The majority of the plant looks fine, just a few leaves show this symptom. Defiency, soil too hot or what? It's not the light that's for sure.
  3. justataylor

    white specs.

    Bruh wtf ... how did it grow such a thick trunk if she's so small... that's weird af
  4. justataylor

    white specs.

    Definitely not thricomes, but I'm wondering what 'those' are aswell. This is mine on day 12, it had the same shit (zoom in)!
  5. justataylor

    Nutrients for soil grows

    I bought Canna Terra Vega and Canna Terra Flores for an Auto Northern Light grown in Canna Terra Professional soil. Did I buy the wrong shit or this will do perfectly fine?
  6. justataylor

    Why do you grow?

    I want to be able to satisfy my needs without having to deal with whack ass dealers that rip you off and have shit weed when at the same time I would save a shitload of money in the long run
  7. justataylor

    My first plant ever is growing, dem feels.

    My first plant ever is growing, dem feels.
  8. justataylor

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Bleach works best
  9. justataylor

    CFL indoor 2nd grow

    cool m8 thanks, I also ordered the same soil and nutrients as you. Looks like they do a good job
  10. justataylor

    CFL indoor 2nd grow

    Did you plant seedlings straight into Canna Terra? I've heard that it's too rich for seedlings and it will burn them.
  11. justataylor

    1st time growing. Did I do it well?

    Are the bulbs close enough? Also, when should I transplant into the final pot so I won't get root bound
  12. justataylor

    Marijuana Seeds

    What do you think about Nirvana guys? Currently growing something from them, has anyone ever had bad experiences with them?
  13. justataylor

    For all the growers. What risks do you put up with?

    Where I live, for just a plant I risk between 2-5 years behind bars, but I would get away on a suspended sentence because it would be my first. It's kind of fucked up having to put up with paranoia everyday as long as you have a plant.
  14. justataylor

    Next step? How to tell when it starts to flower?

    How much water you should give depends on the size of your plant, by example I wouldn't give more than a cup to that and only water when you see the soil dry.
  15. justataylor

    My first seeds ever just arrived

    Fast or slow? What do you think guys. It's been a week since just a seed.
  16. justataylor

    What are you smoking today?

    Some shit weed today...but it gets me high at least
  17. justataylor

    Next step? How to tell when it starts to flower?

    look at your plant. overwatering symptoms
  18. justataylor

    Next step? How to tell when it starts to flower?

    Dude stop overwatering, I can see your soil is extra moist.
  19. justataylor

    150 watt hps way too hott for tent.

    Some CFL's would of saved you the trouble