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  1. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    The nugs look righteous, the fan helped quite a bit, but they still got some stuff going on. But like I said earlier I did alot wrong and straight punished them from the git go. I'm figuring could be ph prob, too since I haven't invested in a ph meter. But it's all good I'm going to be happy...
  2. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Awesome Wolfie I'll definitely be following, sounds very interesting. Best of luck to you brother, hope all goes well and safe!
  3. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    How much do you water? I'm afraid to overwater I just watered last night, and I water about every couple days.
  4. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Ahaha I feel you Wolfie well thanks for the input, hopefully ol BusyBee gets on here and see this. He's been my go to this grow, but like I said earlier I made lots of mistakes this grow. I'm guessing the two transplant really did a number on them, especially since they're autos.
  5. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    here's some reg pics
  6. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    I'm using organic nutes though and barely any at that you think that's the problem?
  7. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Alright I'll get a fan in there asap, and yes there is some yellowing going on. I planted them mid march so around 6 to 7 weeks
  8. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Not sure what the term tacoing is. Heat doesn't seem to be a problem, but the only air circulation I have is the fan on the ceiling I leave running all day with the closet cracked a little, and Is it to late to fix?
  9. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Well here is an update! I definitely stunted it seems like, but they are all producing decent I'd say. My one with the rust spots didn't survive :( I know they're not perfect but I'm happy I didn't completely screw them up, I learned a lot from you guys so thank you very much especially Busy...
  10. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Beautiful love the color
  11. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    dont worry about it brotha. 3 of them look good one looks like it's struggling a little, check the pics I posted a little up the thread was seeing if you see anything wrong.
  12. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Did you deter anything from my pics bud?
  13. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    I'll grab that armor so for sure, what do you think of the two pics I just recently added busy
  14. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Here's my other one not sure if I need to worry about her, they used to be praying about a week ago seems like they got a little droop might be over watering.
  15. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    this is my main drooper and she's not looking too good everything seems to be curling not sure what it is.
  16. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Yeah the grow box was from general hydro, I wasn't planning on using all them I didn't think I'd need to I was gonna use the veg and flora though. I'm not sure what term praying means, if you could explain a little bit. I was thinking I might need to move the lights a little higher since they're...
  17. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    That one we talked about earlier, with stunting that cause brown spots, I think it might be calcium def. Unless it happens to all the leaves that were formed during the transplant, but I'll let you be the judge. Also I ordered the grow box by general hydro just waiting for that in the mail, in...
  18. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Nice haul everything looks awesome too! My girls are coming along, I'm going to post a few pics see what you think. I have a little drooping in leaves going on with two of them, not sure if it's overwatering or something else.
  19. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    By the Gods! Haha they're looking ultra healthy! Them nugs are monstrous too, good job man!
  20. MasterChiefLV

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Lmao! It seems like it haha, my girls are turning the crank throwing all sorts of leaves, and the room is starting to stink now I love it. They grow so fast.