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  1. M

    pure purple afghan ? Anyone ?

    Anybody out here ever smoked, or grown, or even heard of Pure Purple Afghan. Your thoughts are appreciated
  2. M

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    No worries bro, I use tap too. Just let it sit out to remove the chlorine, and even out to room temp. You and your girls should be fine
  3. M

    To Big in Veg

    Cut the top cola off, what your looking for is the greatest surface area. The flatter and evenly spaced the canopy, the better. Bend the nodes out to allow more light to peentreate into the inside of the plant
  4. M

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    So will leaving your resovoir open for 24 to 48 hours after filling with tap water, soften the water, or will it just get rid of the chlorine. And if I don't let chlorine evaporate and use hard water on my plants, what's the worst that could happen?
  5. M

    20 plants, 2400 watts, fox farm. yeild??

    What im wondering if I have 4 or 5 plants under each 1000 watt HID. Would I be able to pull 2 pounds if the environment is ideal?
  6. M

    20 plants, 2400 watts, fox farm. yeild??

    So you think 20 is to many? I took 20 clones, so I doubt all will survive maybe 50% to 75% success rates. So maybe 10 or 15 plants max. Let's say 10.10 plants 2000 watts, that's 200 watts a plant. Sufficient?
  7. M

    ideal Temp and humidity

    Thanks man, greatly appreciated
  8. M

    ideal Temp and humidity

    Howdy yall. Just wondering what I should have my temp and humidity at during veg, and flowering, and than during drying. And during drying should I 1. Trim bud down completly before drying, just remove fan leaves and let dry, or dry before trimming? 2. Have fan directly moving air on buds, or...
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    20 plants, 2400 watts, fox farm. yeild??

    Ideally, what would the best temp and humidity be for veg, and then thru flowering and lastly drying?
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    20 plants, 2400 watts, fox farm. yeild??

    I mean, I wouldn't call myself a newb. I'd say I have 7 or 8 indoor grows under my belt, and 3 outdoor.
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    20 plants, 2400 watts, fox farm. yeild??

    In my past experience I've never been able to produce more than 2 oz a plant
  12. M

    20 plants, 2400 watts, fox farm. yeild??

    So almost a qp? Per plant, you dont say.
  13. M

    20 plants, 2400 watts, fox farm. yeild??

    Howdy yall, my friend asked me to post this for him. He is a medical patient, and so am i. But he is not very "Technologically oriented" so to say; anyways. He is wondering what he could possibly pull from 20 dried plants (Well bellow the the legal limit) Topped and lollipoped; flipped into...