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  1. S

    Full plant drying?

    The whole purpose of drying is to remove water, and slow enough that chlorophyll is released with it, 60f or 16- 18 deg c / 60%rh for two weeks, I don't care what kind of environment you have, control it ! that's it, trim & jar ! Ive read a lot of posts on this thread, most of your are...
  2. S

    Full plant drying?

    absolute rubbish mate, only time a plant will nanner is in late flower while its still ALIVE, if you cut the plant and dry whole, its no longer in the ripening phase, its DRYING, it will NOT grow nanners
  3. S

    Harvest, trim buds and bag it wet...

    drying in brown bags aren't sealed, buds give off moisture which goes through the bag ! not hard to figure out , you also hang dry until it almost snaps so buds don't squish when putting in the brown bags, exactly the same as drying in cardboard boxes, stop judging others on their methods if...
  4. S

    when do the buds plump the most

    You don't need to flush either, they don't get flushed in nature do they lmao, as long as you cut before the lights come on you will be fine as all the nutrients go from the plant to the roots at lights off . and if you're going to mention black ash from not flushing, that's also to do with not...
  5. S

    when do the buds plump the most

    This is what happens outside in nature, basic common sense if you ask me, which we are trying to imitate, as winter approaches days get shorter to 8 hours of light and 16 dark , and no they do not hermie, if you have finished the 8 weeks flower cycle, while you are adding a few extra weeks for...
  6. S

    Flowering Times 12on 12off or 9on 15off????

    old post but He's on about flower cycle and 9on 15 off works