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  1. N

    Seedlings dying!

    That's part of it.. thought they were staying too wet and were dampening off the last time it happened so added perlite and watered them less same outcome. If it is indeed dampening off...what else could help? I read peroxide would help but it didn' much should be added per gallon...
  2. N

    Seedlings dying!

    Straight vermiculite?
  3. N

    Seedlings dying!

    That's pretty much how it was done. What would you recommend instead of starting them in coco? Those little green blocks or peat pellets?
  4. N

    Seedlings dying!

    Hey guys long time lurker first time poster. A friend of mine has had a couple of successful grows under his belt and all of a sudden has not been able to keep seedlings alive. Starting seeds in papertowel till they pop a root then planting in rinsed coco. Ph around 6. Temp 75 good air flow...