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    need help

    im using stinkbuddies system and need help. my clone and veg system are up and going in the hydro hut under t5s at 71 degrees. the problem is i am getting some type of mold startn to grow on top of the neopreme collars and need any advice of what to do. any help will be greatly appreciated.
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    how much light

    i have a 1000 hps n need another for my project n i just herd that the flourescents r better for veg for closer nodes but have never personally tried but your insight was helpful
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    1000 watt in 4x4 tent

    i never used a fan cooled hood but if some one could clarify something for me that would be great. that diagram has a carbon filter on it and is that to keep the co2 in and do u have to ever replace it
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    how much light

    if i wanted to cover an 18 gallon rubber maid container approx 2ft by 2 ft with ho flourescents how much light would be suffecient for the veg stage. all help will be appreciated
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    Small Plants Please

    u can bend the bitches over or top them and train them
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    bud i find them

    trust me if u have the bud worms u will know. every couple of days take a look at your buds and if u see shit most likely u got them. i just got rid of mine.i hear the big ones can eat an ounce in four days
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    bt catapillar killer

    i sprayed some ortho stuff that was safe for fruits and vegtables on them yesterday. i think im beating the worms. i went out there today and shook some of the plants and some catipillars fell out and were dead. i found only one that was living but he looked pretty bad and could hardly move. i...
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    Frost Warning Tonight What Should I Do???

    most outdoor plants can handle light frost a couple of long as it does not get lower then that i think u will be ok .
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    bt catapillar killer

    thank you i will keep u guys updated and post some pics of my garden soon
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    bt catapillar killer

    does any one know where i can buy bt at
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    may be a problem

    i sprayed them with this stuff that kills insects and catapillars made for fruits and vegetables. i went out there a little bit ago and theres just more catapillars eating my buds. fdd if your out there or any body who knows how to get rid of these bud eaters your help would be greatly...
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    may be a problem

    i sprayed them with some three in one shit for veg and fruits yesterday. todat i went in the garden and found like 5 of those 1 1/2 in green bud munching catapillar geting so stoned from eating my buds he couldnt even move. lets hope this spray shit works if not i might have to have an early...
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    may be a problem

    there r poop pellits every where. how can i get rid of these little critters.i have a couple dozen 5 ft ers 2 weeks away that neen some help.
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    Please Help!!

    whats the best way or any way to get rid of theses bud worms
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    may be a problem

    how can i get rid of these things
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    may be a problem

    whats up every one i have many plants outside that have like 2 weeks left. on 3 or 4 tops of the colas the bud just turned brown and dried up and kind of rotted off.its not the whole bud just like the top half inch. any help on what this is and what i can do would be appreciated.
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    early harvest

    hey fellow potheads whats the earliest any ones plants have been ready to harvest outside. im in the tri state and here im usally running around early to mid oct . this year looks different . its looking more like late sept. i cant post pics because i dont have a cammera. im growing k2 and...
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    how much do u think

    nice ahaman. im going to grow these clones in soil under the 1000 w .im going to flower them at 16 in since height is not an issue. im using a botonicare line of products that u can use for hydro or organic. the mothers r in the hydro set up so i figure thats what i use for them and they r...
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    how much do u think

    any way whats every body think about 1 plant per sq ft may be 3/4 an oz per plant
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    how much do u think

    yo ronald lighten up and take a couple hits being a little harsh for no reason dont u think