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  1. G

    Are these contiminated - please help :))

    Hello all of you, i've recently grown some mckennaii, they grew very, very fast, much faster then expected, so one weekend not being home, they really grew to much. Now about 5 days after the harvest im drying the mushies, but i have so much freakin trouble dealing with whats contamination and...
  2. G

    When will these golden teachers be ready for harvest?

    Hello all of you, i've recently grown some mckennaii, they grew very, very fast, much faster then expected, so one weekend not being home, they really grew to much. Now about 5 days after the harvest im drying the mushies, but i have so much freakin trouble dealing with whats contamination and...
  3. G

    First harvest, are these contaminated?

    Im very interested indeed, I would really appriciate that man
  4. G

    First harvest, are these contaminated?

    Oh, i did not know that - thank you very much man. two flushes came afterwards, but they looked very diffrent from these. Thank you for sharing your knowledge
  5. G

    First harvest, are these contaminated?

    The pictures are just from right after the harvest, but the reason why i got worried first of all, was that i don't really remember the blue bruising being there a week before the harvest. But this is somehow a old thread. So i must admit that a big number of the shrooms have been consumed. Have...
  6. G

    When will these golden teachers be ready for harvest?

    Me and my two roomates tried out only 2 g each of these. One of my roomates and i eat them, while the other one made tea. I've been trying out lots of diffrent mushrooms and big dosages of acid. But i have never tried anything like yesterday, especially after only 2 g. Personally i had an...
  7. G

    First harvest, are these contaminated?

    Hello everyone, i just had my first harvest ever. Golden teacher. I noticed some blue stuff growing on the shrooms, i don't know if this is only blue bruising, but i really just wanted to be sure. I hope someone got a clear anwser. Have a nice day!
  8. G

    When will these golden teachers be ready for harvest?

    I know, i know. i made these gt's in a growkit (first time growing) even though some people hates this method of growing shrooms, i'm still pretty happy about this kit, and it has surly bought me lots of joy. I have tried to do my research, but without any luck, i've simply just got more...