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  1. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    Final results at last. And well, just wow! From the start I was 'hopefully' expecting 100-150g and I wouldve call that a good first cob grow. Final yield with the remaining two plants (the last one was BIG): Critical+2 (57 days): 41g Critical Kush (61 days): 54g Jack Herer x Unknown #3 (69...
  2. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    Damn, time flies when you are in the garden, doesn't it? A month already! I guess at least I wrap this up... This was a 210W, 4 CXB's 3590 3500K CD @1.4mA (a kit from Timber btw) in a 2.5'x2.5'x7' homemade tent. Medium: 60% coco, 20% sphagnum, 10% perlite, 10% vermicompost. Feed with Canna...
  3. Desmond J

    How are you supposed to pick a driver?

    Thats in the 185 and at 115V. Not so flat at 230V, and even less in the case of the HLG240 which is the one I was talking about in that statement. But still, yea you are right. The HLG240 running 4 COBs would be at ~77% load, only losing ~2% efficiency.
  4. Desmond J

    How are you supposed to pick a driver?

    Yes. The HLG185 can run 4 3590's, the HLG240 can run 5. But I think the drivers are more efficient when you use them at full (or almost) capacity... So get the 240 only if for sure you are going to upgrade from 4 to 5 COBs. As for the initial question (and post title): At 1400mA the CXB's need...
  5. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    Day 46 The Critical+ (middle left) didn't want to fatten at all. She is almost ready and its a shame as she smells SO good, but it will yeild almost nothing. The kush next to her is going great tho, and with two more weeks to go. And here the main cola of one of the sativas (the...
  6. Desmond J

    cree3590cxb high efficiency setup: driver and layout questions

    The HLG-185H-C1050B can only run 5 CXB 3590's. It has 195V and 6 COBs in series would need 216V (6x36) as Rayne says. For 18 COBs I'd use 3 HLG-240H-C1050B. You can dimm from 10% to 100%. W = V * A; So (in the case of CXB's) 36 times the amperage of the driver: 0.700A * 36V = 25.2W/per COB...
  7. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    Day 30 The two sativas in the back and the one in the front are a couple weeks behind the two mainly indicas in the middle, which are glistening and smelling just deliciously. Today I spent like two hours down there (and it wasn't even watering day), just rubbing my nose around and caressing...
  8. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    The 4k was before flushing. After it ended at ~800. They are the two in the middle, with the more developed buds, and you can see the difference between those and the one closer to the door, more green and lush, even softer, while those two feel more crunchy. Also, the one in the middle left has...
  9. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    The pH was fine (considering my tap) 6.8. But ~4000ppm :shock:
  10. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    Day 18 I'm accustomed to growing in soil. Actual soil in the ground, and like 500L. So I never really needed any meter, nor even much measures of anything at all. Well long story short, I just got some ppm/ph meters and the runoff readings were fucking scary. So I flush them all yesterday.
  11. Desmond J

    zk link dimmer
  12. Desmond J

    Seedling with 1000w led

    Wow, so much dickyness around here! Like a few days ago with the "How many 3590 to = HPS". There is actually no stupid questions, just too many people believing they are funnier than they really are. Sigh.
  13. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    Day 8 Finally stretching. Fed slightly yesterday, and today they woke up praying for the first time. Looking better, still some burnt tips and yellow lower leafs. Also three days ago I trimmed the first two nodes and the lower shoots.
  14. Desmond J

    Cree 3590 3500k 1.3mA how far from brand new sprouted seedlings?

    I'd say that as long as you dont kill them (light burn or light deff), you can do whatever you want. Tho it's just a waste to use 200w on seedlings in that space, they don't even have real leafs yet. But my point is, use the light so your plants behave the way you prefer: closer will keep them...
  15. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    They were vegged for 5 weeks. Now in first week of flower Day 4
  16. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    Day 29 Cr+ Cri And a couple freebies (Jack Herer x Afghani) were added just to help fill up the space Cheers, J.
  17. Desmond J

    My path from outdoor to COBs - Help/advice appreciated

    I feel I owe this place a follow up to my first indoor in 10 years, so here it goes... These ones are alive thanks to you people: (Critical+2 in the left, Critical Kush in the right) Day 1 Day 8 Day 15 Day 22 I've been ramping up the light from 100W at first to 180 now (out of 210)...