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    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    To to tell you the true, I order one of thoses yellow meters that they have 50 names but all are the same and I cant use it, it jump from 7.0 to 8.9, also I got water from the pipe and put it in 2 cups and it give me two diferent number for the same water... maybe my was the only bad one but I...

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    I feel bad not because of the calibration, but for the reason that 2 people said that I supose to invest in a decent meter when no one know or ask what meter I have... Mercedes, Rolls, Ferraris, even moon rockets have their final day too

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    I have show my meter manual, now someone have to tell me if it is a decent meter or not, if not tell me what is a decent meter? I paid more than $200 for it and it works fine until the ph sensor stop working, maybe I drop it, i really dont know... how someone can talk about my meter without...

    Things to Know About Lighting

    But guys, why trying to innovate about lights when I see in amazon a MH 1000 W for less than $40

    A/c and room . Need help

    All depends where you are, sealed with 6 or more 1000 w, and CO2, even cooling the lamps I have to use a 5 tons central AC, an small one will be froze the fan inside, also depends how many plants you need to control the humidity... i got more than 20 gallons of 0.0 ppm water just from AC and...

    AC Help

    But I understand what it says, here in winter the air conditioner froze as soon as it stop, and it will stop... the problem with this is that you could be sleeping when it happen and next day you will be crying when you see the stressed plant almost burn by a heat. Im from st john Arizona, high...

    My Other Passion

    I love to work with oils, specially on bristol paper with a knife, bristol paper suck the oil so you can clean it with a knife, en when you put more painting on it they overlaping in a beautifull way.

    Does Weed Help You With Your Art?

    But thoses are painting about mariguana, not that someone smoke mariguana to do thoses painting... lol

    Does Weed Help You With Your Art?

    Im an artist too, painting is the way I made my living also is my hobby and my passion, this is why it will never be a job for me... smoking weed is one of my tools to work, like brushes or pencils are, weed no make you more skilled or creative, weed just make you a free worries and not be...
  10. JJARTS

    AC Help

    That going to be hard to do, depent where is the room... i have the same situation before and i have to move the unit that go outside to inside, and create a kind of chimey to blow the hot air from the unit outside by a window while the unit cool itself getting the air inside the roon, that was...
  11. JJARTS

    A/c and room . Need help

    This going to be very hard to do it, you need to cool the lamps also have to cold the hot air the ac trough from the back, if you said you have a tent you beter get air from the outside the tent, mean from inside the garage and have to blow it not to inside de garage again, because you are not...
  12. JJARTS

    New Loft Grow Room - Input Appreciated

    You could think about an central AC in the future, vents and extractors are good when is cold weather, but in a hot and humid summer?, with a central AC you dont need to blow nothing out side and if you do CO2, it will remain inside longer... if AC is intalled the carbon filter will be out side...
  13. JJARTS

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    A couple weeks ago the temperature here where I m living raise big time in the day time, tha is night time for my grow, my AC cant be able to deal with it and for that reason I have a litle high temperature and humidity when my plants were sleeping, it bring to me some white powdery mildew that...
  14. JJARTS

    I didnt find it before because I didnt have it, I just have earned it... ty.

    I didnt find it before because I didnt have it, I just have earned it... ty.
  15. JJARTS

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    They are no eating that much like they use to, I m worry about to get strong reduction in my harvest, but the only way I will find out it is waiting till the end.
  16. JJARTS

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    Ty, I know it now, I just get it... I was worry about it, but I have earned it a minute ago. Ty
  17. JJARTS

    What is GH's KoolBloom powder and liquid nutrients for?

    I growing hydro, clay pelets in a 3.5 galons black buckets I got in home depot and a reservoir that I made myself with some 2×4 and a tarp, I use to create my own custom system depend the area I have, i flush with water just to clean a litle, give a break to the plants and prevent acumulation or...
  18. JJARTS

    I was wondering how to tell someone that I like what it said because I did not find LIKE button...

    I was wondering how to tell someone that I like what it said because I did not find LIKE button nowhere, but the like button just apear sudenly a minute ago...
  19. JJARTS

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    I m new here, and I have seen in the button of the coments, that people like that coment...I did like some coments but I didnt find a way to say it, not like button nowhere... do someone can help me to find that button that I supose to click to be able to show my gratitude giving to a coment a LIKE?
  20. JJARTS

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    I dont know why did you said it, what are basic hydrophonic tecniques for you?, because the only problem I was talking about was about my ph raise for a broken sensor in my hanna meter, but the ppm and water temperature sensor work fine, so I didnt have an idea that a meter that is able to give...