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  1. Ray Carls

    Low watt heating?

    Do you have a Wal-Mart around you? Or you can order online. But they have a bunch of small 750w heaters with thermostats.
  2. Ray Carls

    Is this weed

    Looks like pursalane. Grow it, cool plant.
  3. Ray Carls

    New growth twisted and folded

    I assume it outdoors? I've never faced this problem but it looks like heat stress. Some of the leaves are really folding up.
  4. Ray Carls

    White widow CFL grow

    You sure it's been a whole 6 days? That soil is wet! The leaves are drooping as a result from that. If you have the space you may want to try an oscillating fan and let it blow around the plant a bit. That can help dry it a bit better. Maybe poke small holes in the soil but keep the roots in...
  5. Ray Carls

    White widow CFL grow

    I would definetly get the CFL's closer to the plant. 1"-4" should do it. Otherwise they might strech pretty bad or just not get enough light.