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  1. Cr33p4

    Buds Stretching BAD

    Ok so im 3 weeks into flower. 1 plant, 250 W HPS, Miracle Grow soil, water once every 3 days or so. Buds were startin to look nice small but still nice, and over the past week or so i have noticed the buds stretching terribly bad. Heat shouldnt a problem it stays a steady 72-76 degrees in my...
  2. Cr33p4

    Leaves Curling.

    Ok well im now 4 days into flower. Not sure of the strain i got the clone from a buddys plant. Growing in Miracle Grow Soil. 400 W HPS. soil pH 6.8-7.0 fluxuates from time to time not to much though. Leaves are green as ever, the color itself looks healthy as hell but all new growth has a very...
  3. Cr33p4

    Showing Sex?

    Ok this is "Moose" Wife named it. Been in 12/12 for 3 days now, saw a little growth forming so i pulled out the magnifying glass and the camera tell me what you guys think. From where im lookin which is alot easier to see in person then threw a picture of course looks like a little female tear...
  4. Cr33p4

    6500k x6 CFL, 3 Plant (Rubbermaid Box) Yield Question

    Ok so!!! 3 Plants inside of 2 Rubbermaid tubs with 6 6500k CFL's really good intake and exhaust temp 76F humidity 35%, No nutes (using MG) plants are 32 days old. One has been topped the other 2 im just lettin em do what they wanna do Lol. My question here is how much do you l33t ppls out...
  5. Cr33p4

    12 Day old showing sex?

    Ok this is new to me =)) ive never seen a 12 day old plant show any signs of sex and ive never grown any plants that stink up the entire room at 12 days old :| here are a few attachments...
  6. Cr33p4

    23W CFL and Miracle Grow

    Admin to delete. Sorry for the double thread posts. The 1st thread for some reason wouldnt allow me or anyone else that i know of to view the thread it just lagged out. was really weird =))
  7. Cr33p4

    23W CFLx3, Miracle Grow (Perlite)

    Ok well im an inexperienced grower, and im broke as hell =)) so everything ill be using will be stuff found around the house and ghettofied. Right now im using a simple cheap (Fire Hazard) of a card board box well frankly until they get to big for it which hopefully wont be to long from now...
  8. Cr33p4

    How to plant (Need Help Fast)

    Ok so ive never had seeds germinate this long before. a buddy of mine just stopped by and gave them to me to plant im using a Miracle Grow mixture with perlite. The setup i have is well pretty nice and ghetto =)). the seeds were placed in a plastic bag with a napkin and water of course. Theyve...
  9. Cr33p4

    Seeds Needed

    Well this is how it is. i need seeds =)) Simple as that good seeds not no bagseed i tried that and wasnt happy with the results not to mention that ive had 5 seeds in soil no sprouting after 7 days 4 seeds in paper towels no tails after 7 days. Ive gotten opinions from tons of different ppl and...
  10. Cr33p4

    i R Cr33p4!

    Sup ppls names Brian Programming/Webdesign Alias (Cr33p4), 20 years old Love Cannibis makes me all happy and the pants area :D. Not to experienced indoor grower. Been growin outdoors for years though. Need anything Hit me up !!!
  11. Cr33p4

    Germination Problems?

    Ok well i have 5 what looked to be good seeds germinating. I got a paper towel i folded it into about a 4x4 inch square soaked it in 3 day aged tap water and strung it so that its damp and no longer dripping water then placed the 5 seeds in the folded paper towel and placed it inside of a...
  12. Cr33p4

    New Indoor Grower

    Ok well, ive been germinating 5 seeds for 5 days now 1 has a nice little tail and is now in Soil (Pro-Mix, with Perlite) the only seed that sprouted the tail was placed in a Paper Towel with 3 Day Aged tap water in a Ziplock Baggy was only in there for about 18 hours, the other seeds i placed...
  13. Cr33p4

    Tops Droopin (1st Time Planter)

    Well its pretty simple to describe the top of my plant is droopin over :)) Heres some pix, sorry for the quality was taken on a cell phone. Is there any chance of Strengthening that stem back up or i gotta cut it or what?