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  1. gnarleymarley

    First Grow ORANGE CRUSH

    i know. i was so worried that she was going to turn up male after bein under stress. but this plant is strong. now i cut off the top bud like you said. i cloned it. how much do you know about cloning. and if you do, i have the top in a seperate box running it 24 hours i was thinking for two...
  2. gnarleymarley

    orange crush

    look at my posts i am growing one right now. pardon the system. just a newb with no cash here
  3. gnarleymarley

    First Grow ORANGE CRUSH

    oh well yeah i got a grow light from homedepot that was for indoor grow plants. but its a 40 watt replacing the 75 watt for less heat and energy. it works excelent. i just put those tubes in there a few weeks ago. i got them from a friend. i think that they are both 75's or some shit. its kinda...
  4. gnarleymarley

    First Grow ORANGE CRUSH

    i know it needs to still grow but im asking how long til mature growth.
  5. gnarleymarley

    First Grow ORANGE CRUSH

    i have been growing this orange crush plant for the last few months and i am in flowering stages for about a month now. can anyone help me on how long it shoulkd take till this baby is finished. and how much i would yield from it.
  6. gnarleymarley

    by the window

    i started my orange crush plant in a small pot in my window. it grew very healty and very quickly in fact. open the window so that you get as much direct light as you can seeing as you are losing so much typically. and try to put it in the brigtest area if possible.
  7. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    its been like that for about, oh 6 or 7 days now
  8. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    even though it says it replaces the 75? it is an enviromental light that i think just reducess the heat it puts off but doesnt change the wattage of the light neccesarily. also while your hear. i have been flowering this plant.when shoud my plant actually begin to produce buds
  9. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    the top light says that it is a 20 watt and it replaces the 75w. the side lights i am not to sure about. my friend let me borrow them out of his grow box. all i know is that they are flourescents from some grow shop he picked em up from
  10. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    do you think if i cut the closet in half with maybe a blanket and made everything just a little more compact inside that that will be sufficent?
  11. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    i will do that. but how much will that affect the bud out put that i would get off the lower nodes. im not even to sure how much i would yield off of this is the first place. again im a newbie. but i do apreciate you guys help
  12. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    when my plant was in the speaker set up it was running soly off the one light overhead. and it was 3 inches from the top. right now it is four and the sides are around 7. do you think the increase in sapce is going to affect it in the long run?. im sure you have heard this before but DAMN IT I...
  13. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    the water yes is at room temperature but i dont let it sit. i fill up a watering can and leave it in the closet. it takes about a week before i have to refill it. but when i do refill it i jump straight into watering it with the chlorine in the tap water.
  14. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    man im just using some straight tap water for it. i was feeding it nutes for a whie till a week before flowering to flush all the nutrients out. i have not repotted it since i have planted it. i vegged it in a speaker box after taking just the sprouted plant out of my window sill. it has been...
  15. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    here it is. also this plant went from a speaker box to this closet in the last day. this is its first day in the new box. if you notice my lower nodes, the leaves have become darker green and they are starting to droop some
  16. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    here is the setup. the close ups are on there way right now
  17. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    this is the set up. the other pictures are coming right now <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  18. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    uploading them. give me ten mionutes
  19. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    i have one light above the plant a 65k light caled an OTT LITE that i picked up from home depot. and also two flourescents on the sides. i have two fans inside on opposite sides blowing upwards and i water the plant once a day in the morning when i wake up.
  20. gnarleymarley

    Speaker to closet grow

    no the tips of some are curling inwards twoards the soil like a tounge.