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  1. H

    First grow , newb question.

    Thanks ! She's awesome! :mrgreen: They have to be done by first frost right? Should I cover them and light dep? Or am I worried for no reason.
  2. H

    Please help a newbie out !

    It ended up being a pirate mite. I sprayed with sesame oil and haven't had a problem since !
  3. H

    Please help a newbie out !

    It ended up being a pirate mite. I slayed with sesame oil and haven't had a problem since !
  4. H

    First grow , newb question.

    This year didn't go as planned. I started them super late from seeds and they were transplanted late. They are doing better than I expected though ! Question : They are showing no signs of flowering. We get our first frost Oct 1st to 10th. Are they even going to have time to flower ?
  5. H

    Please help a newbie out !

    Thanks ! So far it has been a huge learning experience, I'm just trying to make as little mistakes as possible while I learn. From what I have found online it looks like a pirate mite. I have some better pictures I will upload shortly .
  6. H

    Please help a newbie out !

    Hey guys. New here and to growing. This is my first year and the plants are outdoors. I am having limbs die left and right. They turn brown in a small section then just fall over and die. I found a small bug near one of the affected spots but I'm not sure if it's a beneficial mite, bad mite, or...