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  1. L

    Spider Mites!!

    Hi Abudsmoker, When you say you did a three week treatment, does that mean that's how long the $42 batch of predator mites lasted before they ate all the spider mites and died themselves? I read on the webpage for the bugs that they need to be put on the infected leaves. You must just put...
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    Spider Mites!!

    Well, the Jungle Rain didn't work so I'm going to try Mogie's suggestion and see if I can get Endall and Trounce. I'll keep you posted.
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    Spider Mites!!

    My plants are about 3 weeks until harvest and I just noticed an infestation of spider mites. With my 10x magnifier I could see the white mites and a bunch of little black spots on the leaves that I think are eggs. There were also tons of spots on the leaves that are kinda brown/yellow. I...
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    Bud Pictures

    Does anyone have pictures of buds that are on the plant and ready to be harvested? I'd like to see what various strains look like when they're ready to harvest. Thanks!!
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    Question about shortened bloom time

    My plants have been blooming for a couple of weeks and I heard that if my lights are on for only 8 hours per day instead of the 12 they're on now, I can get them to bud out in only 2-3 more weeks. Is that true? I'm growing California Skunk from Amsterdam and the plants are about 3 1/2 to 4...
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    Does anyone have an opinion on the proper nitrogen level for vegging?
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    The weird thing is that I did nothing because I couldn't figure out what to do and nothing happened. The mold is still on the peat pots that haven't shown good roots yet and the ones that rooted are planted, no problem.
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    My clones are in Jiffy Pots and I noticed this morning that there's white mold on the outside of the pots. What should I do?? Any suggestions?
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    My clones are in Jiffy Pots and I noticed this morning that there's white mold on the outside of the pots. What should I do??
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    Cloning worries

    Hi Filthy, Your clones look a lot better than mine. I tried to attach a photo but had some problems. Anyway, I'll try the pencil trick; maybe they are too hot. Thanks.
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    Cloning worries

    Thanks for your replies. As an update, I took the worst looking clone out and gently brushed of the soil to see if there were roots. There were none. So now I'm doubly worried. I read that in propagators, there's a problem with mold and fungus from too much humidity, and that some people use...
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    Cloning worries

    I started some clones a week ago and have them in a propagator (the plastic dome deal) with a heat mat underneath and florescent lights, 35 watts, about six inches above them--the height of the propagator. Some of them are starting to look yellowed on the ends of the leaves and I'm worried...