I've similar problem... what is the base of ur ph down? phosphoric acid or citric acid? I lost my sleep last two weeks adjusting my buckets every two tri hours...
Hi all ((:
Just start my first indoor dwc grow and any advice, discussion and help will be much appreciated!
Seed: white widow auto (pyramid seeds)
Light: 250w hps + 300w led(128w) Viparspectra
Dwc: 2x 5 gallon bucket
Tent size: 2'x3'x6'
Nutrition: General hydroponics flora trio
I've one more...
Hi all nice ppl(:) I'm going to start my first grow.., any help and advice will be much appreciated! So I chose napkin method germination, before that I soak two seeds for 18h ww and nyc both autos. Both spoke after 24h and then Iput them on rock wool after another 24h ww pop up like this...
I'm very impresed @HighLowGrow adout ur method... and wanna ask few really newbie questions? I already prepare my setup for dwc but wanna try two 1 gall. grow bags in my tent same time with two 5g. buckets dwc...so, when i order them online they are empty or with medium inside? if medium what...
G'day mate, can you please imbox me coz I join Groking Seeds - Strain Review Comp and win t-shir, but can't PM you my name and addres because i'm new member and dont have option yet to like posts or PM other members :0
Hi guys, just a little confused :0 Can't find like button when i wanna like someone posts.... And I win a tshirt from Groking seeds and can't imbox my name and addres. Can anyone help me pls?