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  1. Nick Leo

    1st time grower - fan yellowing - help!

    Says the guy who thinks that plant is in week one of flower and who posts a pic of his indoor plant in a thread about an outdoor issue. Dude.....walk away. HUGS!
  2. Nick Leo

    1st time grower - fan yellowing - help!

    I'm pretty sure anyone reading this thread can relate when I say.... Hugs brother! Sounds like you need one.
  3. Nick Leo

    1st time grower - fan yellowing - help!

    A lot of strains yellow off early and his strains are not 11-12week flowering sativas either but apparently we see two different pics because I don't see any nitrogen issues according to those pics.. Never the less, Cudos to you sir for being a stereotypical know it all. You sure told me. This...
  4. Nick Leo

    1st time grower - fan yellowing - help!

    He doesn't have a nitrogen problem, that much is very clear from the picture. He has a nice yellowing that is gradual and the fan leaves look great being all yellow uniformly and not burnt tips or middles. This yellowing is simply from the plants flowering cycle. You're plants have great color...
  5. Nick Leo

    1st time grower - fan yellowing - help!

    Looks pretty simple to me from the pictures.... yellowing is natural during flower and in fact you want the plant to completely yellow out or die back except the buds in the end. That's a sign of a proper flush. Your plants are yellowing at a much more rapid pace because they are in to small of...
  6. Nick Leo

    Does Rain Lower the Potency of Marijuana?

    Here's my 2 cents if anyone cares... I'm a grower in the Portland/Vancouver area for some time now both outdoors and indoors. Is it possible for water to "knock off" your trichomes? Yes. It is indeed "possible" but very unlikely. The only rain issue with cannabis is during flower and the only...