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  1. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    Day 88: The NL is still growing lol. It only has a week left because we will be leaving on vacation, So it'll have to be cut down. Also picked up a GalaxyHyrdo 300w led light to go with my current 300w light. It is used and got it for super cheap. Works well though.
  2. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    Day 78: The Northern Lights is doing well. She has really became bushy and has a lot of bud sites. I wonder how much longer she plans on growing. lol.
  3. TheLordDab

    New to autoflowering plants

    I just finished my first ever grow. 2 autos under a 300w led. I think your plants just need more room. After i transplanted mine into the 5 gallons they blew up and grew over 2 feet. I watered every 4 days as well. How much water do you give them every 4 days? Also how much run off do you end...
  4. TheLordDab

    Nirvana Blue Mystic Fem Auto

    If you check out my grow under grow journals I just harvest my Nirvana BM auto last night. I too had several issues while growing this plant, because its my first time lol. You can see how she turned out over there if ud like. Id say the smell on her was actually stronger than expected so I...
  5. TheLordDab

    Pile of curing weed

    spend that time growing some extra bud lol
  6. TheLordDab

    Pile of curing weed

    I dont have sides in any fight im just trying to get everyone to open their eyes and move forward. keep doing you and keep trying to help everyone no matter what people say or do. But at the same time you should take a closer look at the things you are saying to people. Just because they come...
  7. TheLordDab

    Pile of curing weed

    I really dont see why everyone is giving this guy such a hard time lol. Poor dude is posting about weed all happy and then gets shit on. I mean he was provoked and lashed out a bit but hey who doesnt do that sometimes. personally ive never had any good experiences with brown weed but i've also...
  8. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    THE HARVEST: I didn't weigh any of if wet, mostly because there is a lot of stem. When its finished drying I'm going to cut the buds off and weigh them and start curing. Trimming All done lol All the really small buds/and trichy sugarleaves went into a bowl. Might do something with that...
  9. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    DAY 69: Today we harvested the BM. Technically I started last night and only got through half before I called it quits for the night. lol. I decided to go ahead and harvest because I don't have a magnifying glass or jewelers tool to look at the trichs. so we went with the pistil method. Some...
  10. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    DAY 59: Alright so both plants are doing well. I watered last Saturday, and had to water again this morning. They both seem to love to drink lol. So the BM is completely covered in these tiny little baby buds. Its gonna be my first yield ever so I don't really mind not getting a huge...
  11. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    DAY 54: Havent updated in a couple weeks. There has been a problem with both plants. A decent amount of leaves on both plans began to yellow and fall off. The yellowing started at the bottom and worked its way up towards the top leaves. I added some nutes and the yellowing has seemed to stop...
  12. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    @tripleD If the BM is nitrogen sensitive, it may be beneficial, if you cant use organics, to use schultz cactus plus due to it being low in nitrogen. theres the link so you can see what i'm talking about. I haven't used...
  13. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    @tripleD Back on page 3 theres a pic of the nutes i fed them but they both freaked out and twisted and curled so I wouldnt recommend it. I would say check your soil and make sure its moist. I noticed my BM drooped a lot when it got close to watering time at once a week. I water every 4 days now...
  14. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    Day 42: Good plant growth! The gallon every 4 days seems to be going well. They stopped drooping and have looked good since I started it. They've made contact! lol but for real though. Ive noticed over that last week some weird damage to the leaves in a certain area of the NL. I've...
  15. TheLordDab

    Recovery after being stuck in the seedling stage

    A simple way to use power those small computer case fans, assuming you have a lot of spare usb cables laying around, is to just cut the non USB end of the cable off and cut the 4 pin connect on the cpu fan off then splice together (usually red to red, black to black). Sometimes there are other...
  16. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    Day 38: Plants are looking good! I'm starting to believe the plants weren't getting enough water using the the once a week method. I think my setup and all the variables are helping dissipate the water faster than expected. I'm going to compensate by giving both plants half a gallon every 4...
  17. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    Day 34: Not much to update today. Both plants showing signs of growth. The nute burn on both plants doesn't seem to be spreading. I checked the soil yesterday morning because the plants started to droop, it seemed too dry to I water'd using only a gallon and a half between the too plants. Didn't...
  18. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    im using 18/6. Been using it since the petals came cotyledons came out.
  19. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    Alright, I knew that it meant they had reached maturity, I just didn't know If anything other than nutes needed to be changed. I'll definitely do The F,W,W,F schedule on the next plants that I start. These two are going all water from here on out. Don't want more problems. I saw the nute burn on...
  20. TheLordDab

    Blue Mystic Northern Lights A/F: The Grow Series.

    What does that mean for me as a grower? Do I need to start doing anything? I'm assuming this mean the plants yields are more than likely just going to be the knowledge I got from the grow lol?