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  1. Big Z

    Uneven Cannopy Veg

    Thanks both for the input I shall not worry about the others for now! Bastard at the grow store said I needed to trelice it and all this stuff looks like he was trying to make some extra money :/
  2. Big Z

    Uneven Cannopy Veg

    Doing good thanks for asking! Appreciate the feedback however wouldn't an uneven cannopy produce uneven lighting to the shorter plants? Always was under the assumption that you should attempt to even out the cannopy
  3. Big Z

    Uneven Cannopy Veg

    So plants are 5 weeks into veg and looking really healthy. However 2 of my plants are 13 inches while the other 5 are 11/10 inches. Was wondering if this would cause issues down the road with the canopy being uneven and if so any recommendations would be appreciated.
  4. Big Z

    Plants Yellowing Brown Dots Help!

    My setup: 4x4 grow tent 600 watt mh plants in 1 gallon buckets Soil is ocean forest Age: 4 weeks 1 day Average room temps during day: 75-81 degrees Ph of water adjusted to 6.5 About a week ago I noticed a couple plants developing yellow around the edges of a couple plants as well as brownish...
  5. Big Z

    Where to buy good seeds

    had great order with Nirvana was fast shipping, great prices, and good customer service
  6. Big Z

    Cal Mag Deficiency? Urgent!

    Thanks so much for the advice sprayed them down a couple times and it looks like the newer growth is deficiency free and the spreading of the discoloration to the other older leafs has slowed dramatically.
  7. Big Z

    Cal Mag Deficiency? Urgent!

    awesome that's what I was figuring as well went ahead and picked up some cal mag earlier today just in case. How many times would you recommend I foliar feed them? I had just watered yesterday and the pots are still really wet so wont be able to water in calmag for another 3-4 days.
  8. Big Z

    Cal Mag Deficiency? Urgent!

    My setup: 4x4 grow tent 600 watt mh plants in 1 gallon buckets Soil is ocean forest Age: 3 weeks 5 days old. Average room temps during day: 75-81 degrees Ph of water adjusted to 6.2 Problem: Pretty much all of my plants are beginning to yellow between the veins on the leafs as well as...
  9. Big Z

    Yellowing leaves, spots, and edges curling up

    Awesome thanks for the help! When would you recommend that I start feeding them nutrients?
  10. Big Z

    Yellowing leaves, spots, and edges curling up

    How would the watering effect the white/tan dots of the leaves? They were over watered once when seedlings but every water sense then has been when the soil is pretty much dry.
  11. Big Z

    Yellowing leaves, spots, and edges curling up

    Yup super clean transplant very little to no signs of stress after as well. Before transplanting into FFOF they were in the Fox Farm Light Warrior. Currently am just feeding them water no nutrients as I heard the FFOF would supply them for a good couple weeks. I adjust the ph of my water...
  12. Big Z

    Yellowing leaves, spots, and edges curling up

    Thanks for the input! I do not spray the leaves just water the soil. I am currently using FFOF at full strength didn't cut it with anything. I definitely heard the same about it running a bit hot when would you recommend to start feeding it nutrients?
  13. Big Z

    FFOF and Nutrients

    I just transplanted my 3 week old plants into 1 gallon containers with FFOF 4 days ago. To this day I have not fed them any nutrients. Even though they are in FFOF now which i have heard is a nutrient rich should I start feeding them my liquid nutrients?
  14. Big Z

    Yellowing leaves, spots, and edges curling up

    My setup: 4x4 grow tent 600 watt mh plants in 1 gallon buckets Soil is ocean forest Age: 3 weeks 2 days old. Average room temps during day: 75-81 degrees Ph of water adjusted to 6.2 Problem: Out of the 7 plants I have in my tent one is displaying yellowing around the outside of the leaves...
  15. Big Z


    yea roots are coming out of the drainage holes
  16. Big Z


    Definitely I was begining to lean that the needed a watering as well. Just confused because right after the last watering the very next day all the plants were drooping
  17. Big Z


    ah so now im confused have been told overwatered and underwatered. Really dont want to water again if they are over watered. Not trying to knock either of your suggestions of course but could they really be underwatered after heavily watering them just a couple days ago? Right after my last...
  18. Big Z


    Makes sense thanks for the advice i will definitely cut back on the watering schedule a bit. Sense they are pretty damn dry at this point should i hold off on watering until they have perked back up or moisten the soil? Also I have crazy roots coming out of the bottom of the drainage holes no...
  19. Big Z


    Yup theirs a lot of drainage holes poked under each of the cups