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  1. J

    Blockbuster 8 or radiant 8 for 3x3 area

    True Each light isn't necessary independent but my space requirements are super tight so I am forced to run them in straight lines to the point where my vent to another room is. If I could have them side by side I certainly would
  2. J

    Blockbuster 8 or radiant 8 for 3x3 area

    You are correct though. The dimensions and angle of the reflector suggest the blockbuster would disperse light over a larger area than the radiant would. Since I am looking for a more concentrated light, it seems the radiant would be better
  3. J

    Blockbuster 8 or radiant 8 for 3x3 area

    I see you on here a lot and the knowledge that you displayed when discussing axial vs centrifugal fans shows me that your not not some high school kid on here for kicks. I am curious what you mean when you say you wouldn't grow this way? Do you mean sog or my setup? I have been doing this for...
  4. J

    Blockbuster 8 or radiant 8 for 3x3 area

    Yea I'm not using a tent. I prefer smaller tables because when I used to do two large tables, problems affected whole crops. Thanks for the input. I am leaning toward the blockbuster at the moment
  5. J

    Blockbuster 8 or radiant 8 for 3x3 area

    So I have decided, after looking all over the Internet to either get blockbusters or radiants to replace my shitty big kahunas. Before I buy 11 of these I was hoping some people could weigh in. I have found the radiant for 140 shipped or the blockbuster for180 shipped. I am looking to cover a...
  6. J

    Need advice on specific purpose air cooled reflectors

    Cannis, you must have misread my post. I specifically said I don't want some ridiculously large reflector. That might work in some applications but is the opposite of what I want. I also said that I have enough money to buy quality reflectors. I didn't say I won the lottery and want to spend...
  7. J

    Need advice on specific purpose air cooled reflectors

    Anyone else? I was hoping some people that are running the daystar and radiant model would chime in
  8. J

    Need advice on specific purpose air cooled reflectors

    Thanks Aeroknow. How good is the seal quality and overall construction of the hoods? How uniform is the light spread over a 3x3 area?
  9. J

    Need advice on specific purpose air cooled reflectors

    Thanks for the reply. I started off buying a lot of stuff from htg amd came to the same conclusion that a lot of people on here have already come to.....their items are mostly sub par. They are good for the amount of money that they cost but I'm at the point where I can spend the money for...
  10. J

    Need advice on specific purpose air cooled reflectors

    I'm using some free time I have to improve my setup and try to make my process simpler and easier on to maintain. It is very apparent that my 6 inch venting is not enough and I need to upgrade to 8 inch hoods. I am currently running 11 big kahuna hoods from htg. I feel like they are a...
  11. J

    How to calculate size of booster fan in long duct run

    I really wish I had hoods with 8 inch ducting but I don't so I have to stick with the 6. I can't do 2 separate parallel runs because of space constrictions. The comments here are kind of confusing as to what you are trying to say..... Right now I have...
  12. J

    How to calculate size of booster fan in long duct run

    I have heard of using booster fans to increase the effectiveness of but I can't find much info on them. My run is 16 feet long with four air cooled hoods with 6 inch ducting and a carbon filter. The end of the run that is pulling air in seems very weak and I want to increase the flowof air but...
  13. J

    My trash cans disappeared.....could it have been Leo?

    I live in an area with private trash collection and the other day I put out the large bins that the company provides and when I came home they were gone. It worries me that out of all my neighbors, mine were taken. Would police take the whole bins with them? There was nothing in them of any...
  14. J

    Cultilene products vs Grodan

    I have been using rockwool mini cube loose in an ebb and flow. They are expensive and I notice that cultilene has the same product but cheaper. I am paying around 100$ for a 5 cubic foot box shipped. If anyone has an experience with cultilene products let me know!
  15. J

    2 liter hempy sog or ebb and flow

    I don't like big plants because they seem really hard to manage and the result isn't as consistent. I was just going to flood enough to fill the bottom of the the 2 liter as the reservoir would have to be huge to flood anymore than that.
  16. J

    2 liter hempy sog or ebb and flow

    I am currently running an ebb and flow system but it seems like the plants are overwatered or underwatered frequently. I am using Rockwell flock as my medium in 1 gallon pots, 25 under each 600 w. I have seen some posts about 2 liter hempys and wanna give it a try and just hand water them...
  17. J

    armageddon at 9 weeks

    I did try moving it. It's 3 years old and been through some abuse
  18. J

    armageddon at 9 weeks

    My scope seems to be broken because the image is distorted so I was hoping someone would help me out
  19. J

    armageddon at 9 weeks

    Here are the pics
  20. J

    armageddon at 9 weeks

    Can't decide whether to harvest this week or I am asking your opinion