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  1. thundergodfist

    Trying to put a soil reciepe together with what I have.

    Oooops I meant crush, falling asleep at the keyboard there, lol! I agree it's not ideal but the bag of charcoal is just sitting there looking up at me daring me to try it out... Until I get some proper biochar, as you said earlier, "sometimes you have to be pragmatic and not be so paramagnetic...
  2. thundergodfist

    Trying to put a soil reciepe together with what I have.

    Yea man spirulina is so expensive. I was thinking of growing my own in a fish tank a while back but everything I was reading about was using the generic salt fertilizers, which defeats the purpose for me. I have my hands full right now but that's a little project I'd like to do in the future...
  3. thundergodfist

    Trying to put a soil reciepe together with what I have.

    I've actually given some of my plants spirulina before. I can't tell the effects because I was also giving them coconut juice, aloe and compost teas. I wouldn't do it again simply because spirulina is expensive as fuck and I save those algae for consumption :hump: but my plants were looking...
  4. thundergodfist

    Trying to put a soil reciepe together with what I have.

    LOOOOOL! Absolutely man! Tis a very big country indeed, where you from man? Going back to the frass, it didn't sink in till later... one of my good friends is an apiarist. His 800+ hives have a really good survival rate but he gets 5-6 garbage bags full of honey bee carcasses every season...
  5. thundergodfist

    Trying to put a soil reciepe together with what I have.

    Thanks yet again my man, appreciate the guidance! I'm in QC near Ottawa. I don't think I'll be having extra tonnes of cricket frass anytime soon but shit you never know. My dream of having a little farm might materialize sooner than later so I'll keep that in mind. I looked up Better World and...
  6. thundergodfist

    Trying to put a soil reciepe together with what I have.

    Hey Don, thanks for taking the time to respond man, very informative and motivating. I did a bit more reading on neem and I'll definitely have to try it out. You mention that it gives a nice flavor boost and changes the terps a lot. Could it be due to the limonoids present in neem? Could this...
  7. thundergodfist

    Trying to put a soil reciepe together with what I have.

    Cool thanks for the reply Wetdog. Well I should have done more research before getting 50lbs of oyster meal. I'm gonna have to grind it up, that should be fun :) I agree with you about the kelp, that stuff is magic. I gotta get my hands on some damn neem cake!
  8. thundergodfist

    Gavita's went up $40 wholesale

    He specifically mentions organically grown a few times in the video so that is definitely a factor... from what they have seen anyways.
  9. thundergodfist

    Gavita's went up $40 wholesale

    Not all organic farms/production systems are equal but in general the smaller local organic farms have more nutritious and tastier produce... in my experience and a lot of my family and friends' experiences... research also backs this up (nutritious part). There is a lot of resistance to this...
  10. thundergodfist

    Trying to put a soil reciepe together with what I have.

    Hey DonTesla, thank you for the great info, I got a couple questions for you. What would you consider a good replacement for neem meal? I can't find it in any local stores and shipping it would be expensive. Is oyster shell meal acceptable instead of oyster shell flour? Thank you!
  11. thundergodfist

    Gavita's went up $40 wholesale

    Did you not read the paper? There are 57 references on the last 2 pages, the link you provided has less then 10!
  12. thundergodfist

    Gavita's went up $40 wholesale

    Well you're right, it doesn't hold any scientific truth... yet. Given the amount of research done on cannabis at this time, I doubt I'll be able to find studies specifically proving organic > salts... but there are several studies on food crops backing this up. Here is a summary of some...
  13. thundergodfist

    Gavita's went up $40 wholesale

    Get (vermi)composting and :finger: those greedy bastards! That's the best long-term solution for healh and wealth. Plus salt ferts are horrible for the environment. I see the appeal but the consequences to our healh and the environment's aren't worth it for me... minus this one time experiment...
  14. thundergodfist

    Marc and Jodie Emery Arrested At Toronto Airport

    Captain optimistic here...
  15. thundergodfist

    Thoughts on this

    100% conflict of interest!
  16. thundergodfist

    Thoughts on this

    Yea you're right man it is just recommendation as of now, nothing concrete yet. I shouldn't assume without seeing the actual legislation. Seeing this shit just makes my blood boil :cuss:
  17. thundergodfist

    Thoughts on this

    Licensed Producers will be the legal producers in a recreational market. Really!? After everything that has happened! I shouldn't be surprised...
  18. thundergodfist

    Organic supplies/bagged compost in canada

    While we are on the subject, I have had a really hard time finding some neem/karanja meal. I'm near Ottawa and found nothing locally. The only thing I found in Canada is from Reindeer's natural, haven't checked the price yet. Maybe I should go...
  19. thundergodfist

    Organic supplies/bagged compost in canada

    That's a total money grab! Dark Matter™ LOL!! As GrowRock stated you can get castings and compost from Home Hardware, Canadian Tire, etc... Obviously check out your local nurseries and garden centers. Another idea is to check on kijiji, locally sourced so even better.