Yup tried salvia and the shits pretty gay this dude tried to buy it from me after I bought it but he was tripping hard and he tried to attack me with some panties if that's not gay I don't know what is LOL
The thing is you can go that way but it must me in a letter size envelope and less than an ounce so that it does not require a customs form so if you can get it that flat then go for it like the other person said try to get it sent somewhere else if you can or put another name with your address...
It went well for a first try...I had been growing the damn thing for at least four months and it wasn't looking any different I looked around but couldn't find how long it stays in the veg cycle can anyone help me out with that one? Oh and one other thing when I was germinating my new seeds one...
Hypothetically it's a big risk but if you want to take the chance you need to find a good way to hide it I work for the Post Office and anything from another country gets ripped apart in customs so really it's not the best idea
It has been in that pot for about a month. I transferred it from the plastic cup I started it in. And I followed the directions on the sticks and I never put anymore since the first time I feed it. How much water am I supposed to give it daily? And I'm looking for new lights are the ones that...
So its my first plant (I tried for 3, 1 never came up the other stopped growing after a feeding so I was already off to a bad start):cry:. So I've been using 2 types of fluorescents. I know its cheap but it was working then the leaves started to turn brown and dry up and fall off. I'm using...