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  1. F

    anyone know whats up with these

    thanks people yer iv put the light higher up alot higher will get one :)
  2. F

    anyone know whats up with these

    thanks mate yer the roots are really white look good :)
  3. F

    anyone know whats up with these

    hi people the one on the left looks like its getting worse heres afew more pics :) theres no fans on them :) dont know what the ppms are Alienwidow only got a ph pen and thats stll 5.9.. thanks again....
  4. F

    anyone know whats up with these

    hi all i tried everything and cant get them right the one on the right looks ok ISH but the one on the left looks funny....... the brown leaves on them have been there for awhile but the left one looks stringy when its in the same tank as the other other one im running LEDS about a foot away...