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  1. Welshjesse69

    After 30+ years of smoking weed I've finally decided to try and grow my own supply rather than...

    After 30+ years of smoking weed I've finally decided to try and grow my own supply rather than financing other people's
  2. Welshjesse69

    Another newbie with questions

    Don't worry there will be quite a few just trying to get around things for now
  3. Welshjesse69

    Another newbie with questions

    I'll be honest it wasn't me who wanted hydro (someone else put the ££ to do it all)but it's me who's gotta do it,I've had to lay a complete floor in attic 1st and after killing a few expensive seeds I decided to try and make life easier for me(I've a few serious health problems)
  4. Welshjesse69

    Another newbie with questions

    Hi,thanks for the add I'm hoping this is finally the place I can get all my answers and advice,I've just started my 1st grow (indoor)I made the mistake of trying to run before I could walk (namely a hydro grow) so now using a soil combination.