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  1. Nacho420

    How to make the plants bush out w/o stressing

    Good to know, this post gives some good info on it.... I'll probably wait a week or so to start that on my clones because they are only 3 or so inches tall. I don't have a very big pot that I keep them in for...
  2. Nacho420

    sticky situation !

    Eh, that wouldn't be too good for them... It would probably be better that they were too hot with little air flow for a couple of days then no light at all
  3. Nacho420

    Jack Herer!

    I've been growing some Jack the Ripper and it's the best weed I've ever smoked, hands down. The Jack is truly one of my favorite strains to smoke or grow. I've always wondered how the parent Jack Herer smoked...
  4. Nacho420

    sticky situation !

    Hmmm, well I would go and buy some ona block for the smell. There is some shit that smells like laundry detergent stuff so you could just use a shit load of that to deal with the smell. LOCK THE DOOR!!! Don't let them go near that room... I would also buy a massive amount of duct tape and go...
  5. Nacho420

    How to make the plants bush out w/o stressing

    So I've been growing for a couple of harvests now and have produced some of the best weed I've ever had the pleasure of smoking. Now that I've got most of the basics down I am moving towards maximizing the amount per harvest. I've got 6 plants in an ebb and grow system, each with their own 2...
  6. Nacho420

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    It's better if you grow a whole new plant or a clone of the original plant because it will stress the plant if forced back into vegetative growth again like that. I don't know for sure, as I have never actually tried it, but it's what I've heard :leaf:
  7. Nacho420

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think you factor your baseline ppm into what your trying to feed at. For example, if you were trying to hit 500 ppm and you had a baseline of 220 ppm you would try and shoot for 720 ppm (giving you 500 ppm of just the nutrients) Thats how I do it at least...
  8. Nacho420

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    Hey, I'm going into week two of flowering and one of my plants is stretching up above the rest, a good 6 inches or so. Would you suggest suppercropping it? A couple of days ago I went through and trimmed up the under brush a bit and for the most part everything is looking great. And those...
  9. Nacho420

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    Hey, I got a carbon filter with a 6" HO can fan. Does the fan need to attach directly to the carbon filter or can it be in a different room hooked up with ducting? I don't think that this would make a difference and it could reduce the noise a lot (I can currently hear it outside the room when...
  10. Nacho420

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Yeah, I'll upload some later today
  11. Nacho420

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    I just sent my plants into flowering a week ago and so far they are looking pretty damn good. Some of the plants have the tips of the leafs curling down though... Do you know why this might be? I was thinking it might be overwatering, but I thought I would check to be sure. Right now I have...
  12. Nacho420

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Oh, well I was talking about in general but alright I just put my plants into flower two days ago and they are just now showing signs of sex, but I think I'll give them a week or so, so I can be sure :leaf:
  13. Nacho420

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    How long into the flowering can you go with the males still in with the females and about how long in before you can sex the plants?
  14. Nacho420

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    Alright cool, that's a relief. Should I be misting them every day or once every couple of days? If I go ahead and put the plants into flowering I could still take clones in a week or so if they don't all root, right? It would just not work as well because they would have to overcome the...
  15. Nacho420

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    I took clones a week ago and was wondering if they look like they are doing well or not. Some of them have their leaves going yellow but for the most part they are still green looking. They are in rapid rooters under a humidity dome with a heat mat and two growlux bulbs about 6 inches above...
  16. Nacho420

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Opps, forgot to say that the humidity dome was sealed and is working well with condensation building up. I've just been looking in from the top part where there is no condensation and can see some have bent over. I guess I'll just wait now and hope for the best! My water is still fairly good...
  17. Nacho420

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Can't wait for that cloning sections to come up! I transfered the plants into the bigger 2-gallons last saturday and they bounced back pretty fast and didn't seem to go into too much stress. I then took cuttings on wednesday from each of the plants (about 4 from each plant) for a total of...
  18. Nacho420

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    Damn.... I'm drooling just looking at those plants and thinking of being really high with pizza on its way... Kudos, my friend :leaf:
  19. Nacho420

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Is it alright to take clones from plants that are about 7 weeks into vegetative from seed and about foot tall, maybe a little less. I have the Medical Marijuana Growers Bible and it says that a plant should be at least 2 months old before taking clones or risk them growing slowing etc, etc...
  20. Nacho420

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    After I transfer my babies to bigger containers (2 gallon containers), how long do you think I should wait to take cuttings? A couple of days? Thanks :leaf: