Sorry not on the internet or in forums often, not sure what lodt means? It was doing this before it was topped which would have rerouted the apical dominance. Just an amateur botanist so triploid may be the wrong term for what I'm seeing, I always thought it referred to sterile females bred...
None of my other plants branch in 3's they all have opposite branching. 2 branches come out opposite then 2 more and so on. On this plant since the third set of true leaves I'm getting 3 branches in a triangle configuration? First two sets of true leaves came on in sets of two and opposite...
Running into this for the first time in about 15 years of experience. Popped out of a pack of TGA Vortex. Came up as a dicot with initial cotyledons slightly offset from being exactly opposite, first true leaves came out opposite, second set came on normal and opposite as well. Then third set...