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  1. Beezy.

    making bubble with older, really dry buds

    Alot of people use dry material. Some actually desire it that way based on preference. I personally find it easier to mix and break ut down when it is dry. Im no pro tho. Just an fyi. Also...make sure its not like really old because thca can break down.
  2. Beezy.

    Budding / Flowering Stage

    But 4 grams at finish? Even you have to admit that is low.
  3. Beezy.

    Budding / Flowering Stage

    I was kinda thinking the same thing to be fair.
  4. Beezy.

    how much will she yeild

    Were those even all the same plant? First one should get 1/2 - 3/4 lb.
  5. Beezy.


    The old fashioned way. Lift pot, move pan, put new pan, place pot lol. That or a sponge for small amount, or a turkey baster for larger amounts.
  6. Beezy.


    Lol yeah I almost guessed that would be your issue. You have two choices... 1. Get a better device. Something that more evenly distributes the water would be ideal. 2. Poor fast and circle around the pot. It will flood the top and everything will sink as evenly as it possibly can. (The drier...
  7. Beezy.


    Pictures and videos would help. What do you use to water with? Sometimes you just need something better to pour from.
  8. Beezy.

    An American in Europe - first grow and loving it

    Best of luck from America Bro lol
  9. Beezy.

    Am I watering to much ?

    Can you clean the area around it?
  10. Beezy.

    Budding / Flowering Stage

    If its your first grow, than the fact that it is still alive tells you that you are doing just fine. There will always be more to learn