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  1. M

    How do you clean your grow room air?

    I am trying to do as much research as possible seems like negative pressure through carbon filter works best wondering how I'm gonna do this as Im trying not to cut holes into walls this time I also wonder how well airconditioning will work if I'm suckling air out of my room so rapidly
  2. M

    How do you clean your grow room air?

    Right on I guess what I'm trying to say is if I'm venting it outdoors even through a scrubber I'd think it would still smell outdoors and not in the house but if I vent else where inside with a can filter then maybe ozone the area I'm venting to it might help I've never used odor control before...
  3. M

    How do you clean your grow room air?

    Where do you duct your air to? Outside? What if I'm fine with the odor inside the building but not so much outside?
  4. M

    High altitude breeders?

    Have some seedlings wookies x wedding cake sprouting wonder if anyone's ever dealt with this strain the only breeder I see advertising is high altitude but can't find a site for them only though the seed banks!
  5. M

    Update please take a look

    I'd say it could be genetic but I do have 3 different strains sure seems like a disease my dilemma is to flower don't wanna put my hopes and dreams into vegging large plants I could also start over.
  6. M

    Update please take a look

    Yeah I'm in hydroton the plants defiantly did better when i cut my feeding down it seems to have effected all plants even different strains although it did not show any signs in my aero cloner the plants are growing at a fine rate just weird stuff going on with the leaves seems to get worse the...
  7. M

    Update please take a look

    Roots look great coming out of the bottom of my net pots hard to say beyond that one of the disadvantages of my ebb n flow over dwc
  8. M

    Update please take a look

    These bumps on the bottom are kinda new
  9. M

    Update please take a look

    50% most of the time 65 to 70 if it's raining I have a dehumidifier but haven't tried it yet
  10. M

    Update please take a look

    Close ups
  11. M

    Update please take a look

    I'm sure there's a mite or two but nothing causing this
  12. M

    Plant problems please take a look and share Update and new pictures
  13. M

    Update please take a look

    My buddy has same clones and nothing like this on his
  14. M

    Update please take a look

    I use gh 3 part with advanced formula at around 600 ppm although I've topped off with tap water a time or two so there around 475 ppm right now. This would include flora blend diamond nectar and cal mag I used 100 ml of each of these in 55 gallon results plus the 3 part some hydroguard flora +...
  15. M

    Update please take a look

    Temp are normal feeding every two hours pH at 6 around 500 ppms
  16. M

    Update please take a look

    So it's been a few weeks since original post plants seem to be growing at a normal rate. Leaves are disintegrating or not growing in entirety. Starts at new growth. PH is at 6 really don't want to go 12 and 12 until I got a better idea. All ideas are welcome thanks
  17. M

    Plant problems please take a look and share

    All in all this is gonna set me back a week or so but I got time
  18. M

    Plant problems please take a look and share

    Right on hope so easy fix stuff happens probably a lack of tlc on my part as experience has taught me so far I've learned in veg less better I do believe I was watering to often 15 min on the hour as well where I would usually water 30 min ever 2 or 3 hours