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  1. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Update time! :) Here's some pics of the girls that just got moved into the big tent. They are in week 5 of flowering (or been 5 weeks since first signs of flowers) These are the Ayahuasca Purple and Sugar Black Rose. We couldn't turn the 1000w light all the way up because it was too hot on...
  2. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Harvested the rest of our crop! Trichomes were about 1/3 clear to probably 1/3 cloudy and 1/3 amber..We ended up hitting our pound and actually got a few extra ounces for a total dried weight of 1 pound 2 oz!! Yay!!! :) I didn't think we were going to hit the pound because we had so many set...
  3. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    This is our first! It's pretty exciting! We know our lives are about to be turned upside down! But it should be a pretty fun adventure!
  4. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Thanks! We're excited! Only 3 months to go! :)
  5. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Ok, last post for now! A few pics after cutting down the Ayahuasca purple last night! We went ahead and trimmed her up. We've got her hanging in a small walk in closet. I"m going to put a humidifier in there with them to try and slow the drying down a bit (It's so dry here in the desert)...
  6. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Haha! Thanks! :) Most definitely, although It'll be hubby giving the smoke report..I'm preggo right now and probably not a good idea..LOL
  7. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    ok, pics from June 19th and a few from yesterday! This is from Sunday when we can see how big she is. This is I think an Ayahuasca Purple. These girls are so close to being done. I forgot to mention in my other posts that they have been being flushed since June...
  8. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    I'd like to give them another try. This is pretty much our first grow and we really messed up a lot. They seem to be pretty resilient though! I was hoping that the buds would have swollen up more by now. I can't really see much of a difference the past month..I mean, they have swollen a bit...
  9. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    These pics are from June 13th! They seem to be getting close. I ordered a microscope so I can start checking trichomes... Don't want to cut them down to early. They have been flowering since April 9th. So a little over 9 weeks in these pics. We have had a few setbacks. The timer was...
  10. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    ok..I have been seriously slacking in the update department! LOL I have been taking pics, just not uploading here. So here's a few weeks worth of updates! These pics were taken June 6th. The pics above are in the 4x4 tent under the 600wHPS, They are Ayahuasca Purple and Sugar Black...
  11. Jlynn83

    Would this be better?

    Hahaha! Your post cracked me up! We don't smoke in the house so it's all plant. We did just put the carbon filter in the smaller tent a few days ago. I"m hoping maybe it'll just take a few days for the smell to dissipate..*fingers crossed* LOL
  12. Jlynn83

    Would this be better?

    Hubby was thinking about venting some of the ac into the smaller tent. I just figured it might be easier and more beneficial to all the plants to move all the plants into the big tent. Why do you suggest only moving some of the plants? I"m pretty sure they will all fit, I'll just have to do a...
  13. Jlynn83

    Would this be better?

    I think it will keep the room as cool as it needs to be, here's a pic. You can also see in the pic how much wasted space there is.
  14. Jlynn83

    Would this be better?

    So I'm having a few small issues right now. Trying to figure out what would be better. I'd love to get some advice from y'all, I have some newly flowering plants in a small tent under a 600wHPS light, the tent is 4x4, I have some other plants flowering in a bigger tent that is 5x5 with a...
  15. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Weekly update! Girls have another 2-3 weeks to go. Seem to be doing pretty good. Just flipped the switch on my 2nd tent and they have been showing signs of first flowers for a little over a week now. They are just under a 400wHPS, I'll crank it up to 600w once I get my carbon filter in the...
  16. Jlynn83

    Cfl grow

    Nice! The Buds look good! How do you like using those lights? Have you used HPS before? I'd love to find a better alternative to the HPS. I know my power bill has skyrocketed having all the fans, ac unit, 1000wHPS and 600wHPS running..UGH. Your leaves kind of look like something I was...
  17. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Thanks! :) What strain are you growing? Do you have a journal up?
  18. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Nice! When I ordered all my seeds I was focusing on high yields. Do they pack on a lot of weight in the last couple weeks?
  19. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Thanks! :) I'm excited to see them in another few weeks!
  20. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Update: Took pics 3 days ago but just now updating. The buds are looking more mature..Hopefully they start packing on some more weight soon though. I think they still have another 2-3 weeks. I had some mishaps with my light. Turns out my timer had a short in it and the lights weren't coming...