Search results

  1. Blue Whale

    DIY 13w Philips bulbs panel - is it worth it?

    I don't doubt that, their PAR ratings are amazing for low scale growing, but even their 120W array costs over 230 euro which is way over my budget at the moment
  2. Blue Whale

    DIY 13w Philips bulbs panel - is it worth it?

    The bulbs themselves will cost around 50 bucks (for set of 18 ) 18 sockets is another 15$ I have some cables lying around, but I would have to check the framing prices as well. Probably few more bucks Kingbritte charges 130$ for 240W panel which surely is superior to light bulbs, but is it 2x...
  3. Blue Whale

    DIY 13w Philips bulbs panel - is it worth it?

    Hey, I would like to ask more seasoned LED growers if my predictions are right. According to Shane from MIGRO company, 13w Philips bulbs can produce up to 1.78umol/J, when tested using 6 bulbs in 2x2 . Will this efficiency stay roughly the same if I decide to use more bulbs in a bigger area...
  4. Blue Whale

    Luminus CXM-32 Gen3 the next big thing??

    So I've been thinking about making a DIY cxm 32 light, but here are some things I'm concerned about: - The only COBs available for me from gen3 are 40K ones. Others I would have to order in bulk of 300 or something like that - is this worth the effort, or should I stick to some other COBs...
  5. Blue Whale

    Salt build up and EC

    So I started my first grow and it's in coco. I planted my girl in jiffy disc that I put in 20L pot. For first days I've been making a feed with RO water and Canna A+B with 0.3 starting, and going up to 0.6 EC. Today (day 12 of seedling, 4th set of leaves showing), after a weekend of no control I...
  6. Blue Whale

    Leaves curling up or am I overreacting

    Hey guys, it's my first post, and first grow. My little lady looks fine, but I realised her leaves are starting to curl up a little. I'm not sure if it's due to some mineral deficiency or air being too hot. I keep her under 280W phytoled lamp, and had to move it up a little (65cm) due to...