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  1. P

    infinity bud 50% thc

    ^^^ clearly it IS impossible to achieve 90% or 50% for that matter.
  2. P

    honey oil - made using butane. a tutorial.

    how to effectively ingest this? im not speaking of the crackhead bulb method as that didnt weld me good results
  3. P

    honey oil - made using butane. a tutorial.

    i tried this some time ago<before i read your tut> and i did a couple things wrong<knowingly> 1. i didnt grind coursely 2. i used bobby brown my results were like shit i used a pyrex and allowed this shit to dry but then it took me forever to try and scrape it from my pyrex. i have not...
  4. P

    got possion for the purpose in canada,

    ok guy seeing as you insist on trying to bring a witty retort this will be my last response. and miserably at that.
  5. P

    got possion for the purpose in canada,

    i believe the word is spelled perfectly AND the sentence should be writ, I just MAGICALLY graduated third grade. for failing to recognize ones mistakes.
  6. P

    Colorado Conundrum

    there in lies the conundrum. were i you id consult google before rit
  7. P


    yes it is possible you were not charged however as someone stated you will be required to turn tricks. if you go this route you will be hella fucked as shit will catch up to you AND eventually you will have to pay the piper.
  8. P

    got possion for the purpose in canada,

    considering your vast amount of wealth one would think you would educate yourself and spell basic 3rd grader reading level words properly. FAIL
  9. P


    you need to learn how to spell daggy
  10. P

    Filament Vaporizer!

    most excellent my duderino. ill keep and eyed out
  11. P

    Filament Vaporizer!

    so im glad i bumped this thread but i digress; can anyone make me one of these contraptions as i myself have no clue as to how to go about this. thank you
  12. P

    Filament Vaporizer!

    he CAN indeed patent the idea although it is possible for his claim to be contested. it happened to tesla
  13. P

    flowering for 4 far

    its tomorrow already and we are still waiting
  14. P

    Outdoor Growing - Need Advice - Looking Good So Far

    2 things smaller text [qoute] Determining the sex of the plants. I am having a tough time in that I do not see any lil pollen ball sacks yet. All I see are 2 leaves emerging for the armpits of the stems all up and down the main stalk. Is this female or still too early to tell? There are no...
  15. P


    my dude you sounds like a tard. not to be a dick but your retort was neither witty nor intelligent in nature. so you would rather go buy someone elses shit who in turn is making profit off of you? pac has 20dlls worth of bud but only paid 5 dlls for it. dealer<grows his own> has 20dlls of...
  16. P

    Filament Vaporizer!

    im not a rocket scientist or electrician as you guys are. would it be too much to ask for someone to make a DIY with step by step instructions. pictures perhaps? i pmed iso but i dont think he is around anymore. thanks
  17. P

    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    nigga please. have you not heard f mardi gras? that shit was invented for catholics to do anything they want before lent. also. in may many parishes around the world the priest goes to the bar with the church goers. ive known some to even have a wife/kids/family the whole nine. catholics...
  18. P


    i stuff blunts instead of rolling. its a waste of weed really but its still fun as fuck. get smashed.
  19. P

    Has anyone ever striked out before..................

    did you mean. has anyone STRUCK out before? i strike<present>, i struck<past>.