Search results

  1. bentspoons

    suitable led fixture for my tent

    Haha aye ill have a look at timber, I'm in NZ so hoping one of them will ship to nz and not cost me my left testy. I've had previous experience growing with HPS main reason I wanna get away from it is heat but also light efficiency and all of that good stuff. I'm algoods on a soldering iron so...
  2. bentspoons

    suitable led fixture for my tent

    So ive got a 120cmx120cmx200cm grow tent, Cooled by a 6" fan and 1 computer fan to circulate air. I plan to grow a max of 6 plants innit and was just wondering if this would be sufficient or i should go bigger.|
  3. bentspoons

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    we all livin in hell some see the paralells
  4. bentspoons

    Neighbors Complaining about smell....

    do you reckon hes on the meth
  5. bentspoons

    Welcome New Members!

    Sup everyone used to be a RIU member but changed email and what not was NAILTHESNAIL but cant work out how to re login life goes on 4th season of outdoor and have had 2 runs indoor but cant do indoor with current situation. NZ grower Peace and love