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  1. Mr. T. Flexington

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    The updated site IS where it's at. All of the new board info, and you can choose driver based on how you wanna wire. I gotta do some wiring research. Series or Parallel? Ima leave you guys alone and ask YouTube :cool:
  2. Mr. T. Flexington

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    It's gonna be awesome in about 6 months when this first round of enthusiastic mo'fo's all have some results with these boards. I'm gonna be using just two 288s in a 4x4 at 300 watts total. All I can afford for now, and at first I thought it might not be enough for the space. However, I have...
  3. Mr. T. Flexington

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Looks amazing! What are you driving the boards at? They are nice and close and my mind is kinda blown lol.
  4. Mr. T. Flexington

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Okay the 54B sounds like what I was originally going for. I want the option to power the boards at 160watts. Thank you again.
  5. Mr. T. Flexington

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    I'm stoked on these two QB288s I ordered. I was looking to power them on a 320 dimmable driver, to get 300watts total. Which driver would I use for the 288s? Thank you.