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  1. S


    They look like nats, they are small but they are probably fruit flies. I need to know ways instead of useing these bug away candals. They work realy good but they die to fast and it only comes with a pack of two for three dollars and you need to put a new one into your grow room every two weeks...
  2. S

    Lighting change.

    When do you swit your plants from 18/6 to 12/ bitch about how long i have my plants on they are as green as fuck and only a few weeks old but are like a foot tall each. Do i switch the lighting time when i find out if its female or later than that?
  3. S

    Smell proof/how 2.

    Ok me and my roommate have made a grow room in our closet, it only has 11 plants in it....for now....any ways our place is stinking like plants and bud, they haven't started flowering yet but are almost there. We are wondering how we can smell proof our little closet using only something that...
  4. S

    clones are dying!!!

    Ok i have been doing my research on cloneing for about two months now and i cloned a plant two difrent ways, the first one i juct cut the top off and put in the soil and gave it the root nutreients when ever i feed it. and the second one i cloned was from a branch from an older plant. They are...
  5. S

    Growing time.

    Ok im looking at seeds on the internet and it is saying that the harvesting time ((the whole time it takes for the plant to get done and to harvest)) takes about 9 months some say about 8-9 months is this true because i want to get white widow skunk and it says that it is going to take about 11...
  6. S

    Can seeds go bad?

    Ok i know im going to sound like a moron but i honestly don't know the answer to this. Can seeds go bad after a while? like lets say you get a big deal on the internet and your getting a total of 35 seeds. It is a value pack and you get three ten packs of different types of bud well seeds pulse...
  7. S

    Busted what the fuck is gonna happen

    Well just keep crap out of your house for time being. It will take at least a few weeks to about a month and a hlaf for them to get a search warent ( don't know the laws in your state but i do in mine (= ) then after a while and you start a grow once more only do a few plants at one time, the...
  8. S

    My first grow room and grow.

    Ok i'm not worried about anything, my plants are doing ok just one died because it was acidentaly bent, it wasn't even looking ok, it looked like a retarded plant. Any ways im going to post up pics of my grow room and give info on whats going on so experienced growers can give me some help full...
  9. S

    Need good info!!!

    Ok i have been looking for this post i seen the other day but can't find it or anything like it. It said something about using a blue color light or something darker like blue or something will make most of your plants females and not males. Is this true?
  10. S

    Is ti ok if i put more than one plant it a container?

    Oh ok, because i see pepole with those big containers and they have like six plants in it. Im doing something like this in a 7 inch by about 28 inch but i put plastic dividers every seven inches and planted four plants in there. I don't use nutes just filltered clean water.
  11. S

    Is ti ok if i put more than one plant it a container?

    Ok im sure every one here knows what the little containers im talking about. The ones you can get from wall mart for a cheap prise and they are usual for storing clothes or what ever, they have a small clip on or pop on top. Would it be ok if a had six plants in there? if i had them spaced from...
  12. S

    Leaves turning green and dying completly.

    Lol can't belive i messed up on the hours XD not in real life but just the post. I have been spacing out lately:confused: and i don't even smoke LOL
  13. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Wow i think im a beginner pro all ready XD me and my bro are growing in a closet grow room and its like 2 feet by almost 5 feet and we have one plant we are looking after and 4 that are a few weeks old. We also planted about 14 more last night. When i planted them i put them in foam cups with...
  14. S

    Leaves turning green and dying completly.

    thanks dude, and other pepole that helped. I all ready know everything i need to know, i just needed to check on the dieing pedals. We got our timeing now on to 18 on 4 off. They are looking so much better and it has only been a few days, they are turning dark green and are about three inches...
  15. S

    Leaves turning green and dying completly.

    Ok my plants are about 4 weeks old and this is our first grow. They where being way under lit because my brother thought they only need a few hours of light a day but i fixed that problem when i asked him how long he was keeping the lights on. The grow closet is staying at a good even room temp...
  16. S

    Males Suck!! - Best Way To Get Rid Of Males??

    Wow dude i just started my first grow like last month and all ready know this answer, get some sleep dude it dosn't matter if you leave a male with the females for a day or two, but if the male has pollen sacks on it, well if they just started to grow then you still have about a week, maybe more...
  17. S

    Growing time.

    Wow, you pepole honestly think im going to just drop the seed into dirt and expect it grow. Wow you guys are fucking stupid, it was just a figure of speech. Growing bud is the sam as growing a plant, my friend told me this and he has been growing for years, i just needed to know what it meant...
  18. S

    Growing time.

    Ok when im about to buy some seeds and it says that the flowering time is about 8-10 weeks dose that mena i will harvest the plant about 8-10 weeks after i put the seed in some dirt and grow it? or dose it take the time for the plant to grown then it takes the extra 8-10 weeks more just for the...
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    I need seeds.

    I was woundering if i could buy seeds from the internet, like an ampsterdamn website and not have to worry about the feds or anything because the last time i was about to buy them it gave me a warning saying that the seeds are just for show and will not work if you put them in the ground and try...
  20. S

    Grow time.

    How long will it take untill you need to harvest some normal cush or something like cronic?