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  1. stoner_kiddie

    force flowering outside

    I have a couple outdoor plants and i was wondering; How do you control the light, so its on a 12/12 cycle. should i use a tarp to cover them? please any and all comments and conclusions are welcome.
  2. stoner_kiddie

    PLEASE let the snow stop!!!

    Ok, About a two weeks ago, the weather was warming up. getting to be 60-70 degrees out. so we germed about 9 plants and had been letting them sit outside all day. a few mornings ago it had been rainy and very chilly (40-45), about two in the afternoon, the ground was thick with snow...
  3. stoner_kiddie's been a long time since my last visit. ...Linkage an' Thanks!
  4. stoner_kiddie

    Under the Northern Lights II ...The Adventure cont.

    :o ...Yeah...35.... so obviously didn't take them outside today! Instead I found 26watt cfl and plugged in above the stove then found another...a reading lamp at 27watts an set it up next to it (both are a blueish spec.)... turned on the sealing fan and set the kids on the stove. Know I...
  5. stoner_kiddie's been a long time since my last visit.

    Aloha once again... Journals up including a few photos, (after a lot of grief)
  6. stoner_kiddie

    Under the Northern Lights II ...The Adventure cont.

    Under The Northern Lights II Located in a very chilly climate, near Lake Superior. At the peak of summer It gets horribly hot and Buggy! :confused: 9 bag seeds of only the highest quality, multiple bags. Hoping for 3 keepers (females). Outdoor grow, but well probably flower one indoors just...
  7. stoner_kiddie's been a long time since my last visit.

    workin' on a grow journal today... I'll let ya know
  8. stoner_kiddie's been a long time since my last visit.

    9 bag seeds... of only the best quality of course. they're from a couple different kinds of good budd. I've had good luck this way b4...not real sure on the online seed banks.
  9. stoner_kiddie's been a long time since my last visit.

    Like I said it's been awhile, just started this years garden...'bout a week ago. goin' outdoors this time, at least most of em. I'll throw up some pics real soon.
  10. stoner_kiddie

    The person below me thread

    false.. the person below me wants to be the person who hits the 1000 mark
  11. stoner_kiddie

    Soft seeds?

    I've heard the same... I'd assume it has something to do with the seed's maturity.
  12. stoner_kiddie

    The person below me thread

    true, if i have the time and relax.. the person below me is currently hiding out from cops.....
  13. stoner_kiddie

    The person below me thread

    true the person below me will make up a weak "person below me..." thingy
  14. stoner_kiddie

    The person below me thread

    True.... walked past it smokin a pinchie the person below me has snorted speed before (i.e. ridiline, dexidren, aderol...)
  15. stoner_kiddie

    How have you killed your plants?

    all of these were growing in my front yard. i guess we smoked to much on the porch.(tossin beaners)..... i couldn't keep them there and im already head long into a grow so i didnt need anymore to take care of. besides they're only bag seeds
  16. stoner_kiddie

    How have you killed your plants?

    how'd ya like these apples! IM FREDDY FUCKIN KRUGER
  17. stoner_kiddie

    Rep Annoymus Club

    i want more.... no no..... i NEED more rep... its been days since my last fix...
  18. stoner_kiddie

    I'm killing one of my babes!!!

    got four sprouts going...and they all look stellar except for one (the runt) it's leaves are slightly yellowing and beginning to droop (I'll post pics if I can find batteries) all four plants were treated totally equally. I can't for the life of me think of anything that could have gone...
  19. stoner_kiddie

    How have you killed your plants?

    yep yep started like 12 bagseads in my closet once with 2 little cfl's..... and then...... I forgot about them. they never had a chance... But my dad; he couldn't kill a plant with a chain saw. he'll watter everyday, nut babies, literally rip off like half the leaves...but come harvest no one...
  20. stoner_kiddie

    Sign in IF you have successfully budded with cfls only

    hay, got a lil ??...where can i find cfl's with a light spc. of 6500k? I've already checked wally world and one of the local hardware stores...and we don't have a hydro shop. Anywhere!