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  1. D

    Week 2 Preflower, general questions

    I'm using the fish and kelp blend just as an additive. I like the idea of it in my nute mix. I also foliar feed with it too
  2. D

    Week 2 Preflower, general questions

    Haha, so I originally was doing autopots and I didn't like results first couple weeks of veg so I threw in 6 soil plants and planned to do it separately. I have been watering them the exact same with same nutes and same everything. Plain tap water ph'd to 6.0. I have had no problems and the...
  3. D

    Week 2 Preflower, general questions

    I get how ppm works in correlation to more nutes higher ppm lower with more water. But is there a max out zone on feeding them? Can you hit them with 2500ppm? does that really do much more then giving it 1000 consistently? That's the part that confuses me. All these feeding charts have ppm...
  4. D

    Week 2 Preflower, general questions

    I'm running a 630w cmh in a 5x5 Using a few nutes Advanced nutrients 2 part Superthrive Kelp and fish fertilizer Silica Calmag Fox farms soil in 6..other 4 are in coco
  5. D

    Week 2 flower, general questions

    I've never had that problem. Only nute burn I got is when one of the hose on my drip line poppped and nute water sprayed all over the leaves and burned some lol
  6. D

    Week 2 flower, general questions

    I don't I let them fill up and by the next day it's all gone and adsorbed into roots
  7. D

    Week 2 flower, general questions

    There is so much under the canopy that gets no light why keep it on there?
  8. D

    Week 2 flower, general questions

    Nah dude real talk... this is my second grow..
  9. D

    Week 2 flower, general questions

    So why not defoliate I thought all the stuff under that isn't getting light is just a waste?
  10. D

    Week 2 flower, general questions

    Being in week 2 of preflower now I notice there is so much growth under the canopy getting very little light if any. Should I be pruning it off a little at a time or should I just wait until week three when I plan to do a full defoliation? Also Im not really sure how ppm works if someone could...
  11. D

    Week 2 Preflower, general questions

    Being in week 2 of preflower now I notice there is so much growth under the canopy getting very little light if any. Should I be pruning it off a little at a time or should I just wait until week three when I plan to do a full defoliation? Also Im not really sure how ppm works if someone...
  12. D

    Yellow and burnt leaves

    nevermind just read your post
  13. D

    Yellow and burnt leaves

    so foliar feed them with epsom salt and cal mag. ? Im new to foliar feeding.. I understand how to and everything but when should i foliar feed? what kind of things can i foliar?
  14. D

    Yellow and burnt leaves

    There is no % of any in the Neptune Part b has neither Part a has 3% calcium
  15. D

    Yellow and burnt leaves

    What other fertilizer should i run?
  16. D

    Yellow and burnt leaves

    Sensi A Grow- NPK 2-0-0- 5 ml per gallon Sensi B Grow- NPK 1-2-6- 5 ml per gallon Neptunes Fish and Seaweed- NPK 2-3-1- 2ml per gallon CalMag- NPK 2-0-0- 5ml per gallon Silica Blast- NPK 0-0-0.5- 5 ml per gallon Superthrive- 1 ml per gallon I usually add 7-8 gallons of nutrients and add...
  17. D

    Yellow and burnt leaves

    what seems to be the problem with this? I am running 5 autopots and 2/5 seem to be getting yellow and drying off. I thought nitrogen so I gave it a boost yesterday. Still looks like shir today.. thanks :)
  18. D

    What the F*** am I doing?

    This is my third grow and I cant pick a method or medium or anything for that matter. Should I do a scrog or just let them grow vertically. The 6 in soil pots are 2 weeks behind the other 5 in autopots. I was originally going to do a scrog but then got the smaller plants now im trying to...
  19. D

    LED 300w Closet

    I don't even know what the fuck an ona filter is lol
  20. D

    LED 300w Closet

    you have some time before its really going to "smell"