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  1. Suzyitus

    Question on revegging???!

    She/s just a little Shocked and Confused, that's all. Even after a few day's of 12/12, the plant naturally starts to change. Now its being told by the longer light stop changing and return to what it was. I have only grew Indoor, so control all the lighting for my plants. I have...
  2. Suzyitus

    Possible light burn?

    Keep Lights where they are, best to be safe than sorry. I like to stick to the Rule of 50cm away, with an oscillating fan blowing cool air between bud site and bulbs. I think the every other day is good for Nutes, but I always look at how she looks. I like to keep mine just on the top edge of...
  3. Suzyitus

    Possible light burn?

    Light or Heat Burn make Leaves turn Upwards in a Claw like shape. I don't think its looking too bad, if you think its had too much Nute, just Flush, Flush, Flush. If the other strains are looking Good in the Grow Room, it would not usually be the environment. And different strains like...
  4. Suzyitus

    Left for Vacation plants dry and burn leaves. Cut or trim or leave it alone?

    Such as shame. Its heat/light burn. Its happened to me before with only 10 days left on the grow. I did leave alone but the sunburnt colas will do nothing more now. So I would look at, how long I've got left with grow and what is underneath the sunburned bits. If the sunburned bits were...