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  1. J

    Male or female?

    2 weeks into flowering, and if it is male, would it hurt to put the other plants back into veg? They are also 2 weeks into flower as well. This one was much older and I rushed the other plants into flower to catch up with it
  2. J

    Need help asap, cat ripped out my plants...

    Just replant it, give it a little water to settle back in and see what happens. Doesnt matter if there are roots at the bottom. My cat did the same thing to my seedling and it came back strong after a couple of days.
  3. J

    Super small white dots on leaves?

    This is the info I was looking for, thank yoy so much. Newbie grower here learning the ropes
  4. J

    Super small white dots on leaves?

    100% sure there are no mites
  5. J

    Super small white dots on leaves?

    2 week old sapling, seems to only have these very small white dots when plant is under sun & very happy. I tried researching around and only seem to pull up "pests" as an answer to small white dots - however I know that is far from what this is. As for the damage, blame my cat :cry::wall: Not...