Search results

  1. grass master 09

    Indoor Growing Systems

    If you are using soil then most of the nutrients are in the soil. If you are thinking anout going hydroponic then yes. Tin foil is not good as it creates hot spots and can kill plants. Painting walls flat white will be better. Do a search for Panda Film. It is an affordable plastic film that is...
  2. grass master 09

    Do You Have A Cool Tube/Air Scrubber Combo?

    To keep vibrations sounds down you should find latex rubber and mount it in between the fan and what ever you are mounting it to. Insulate the walls will also help with the noise a great deal. Motor noise can be muffled by wraping a peice of insulation batting around it. I am really happy I own...
  3. grass master 09

    weed prices

    Upstate NY is 120 an oz and strains are BS or at best rare unless you hang in the right circles
  4. grass master 09

    Do You Have A Cool Tube/Air Scrubber Combo?

    Yes, if you are running the setup in the beginning of this post. Scrubber through cooltube through fan. Every filter has a cfm rating on them. It also seems that every filter manufacturer has their own formula to figure everything out. Math that would effect CFM flow would be length of hose...
  5. grass master 09

    Do You Have A Cool Tube/Air Scrubber Combo?

    I wouldn't use pvc for a few reasons. 1st is the fact that it is too limiting to run rigid anything. You will find that as your plant needs change so will the preferred placement of the light. IE light movers or rail movers will become a challenge to exhaust. Ideally you would want the smoothest...
  6. grass master 09

    DIY DeHumidifier

    If you are using the reusable dessicant pellets that are colored blue USE CAUTION. They get that color from being treated with sodium Cobalt which is a heavy metal. Use PPE when handling the product and you will be fine but I just thought you should know. Sorry, I am a Haz/Mat tech so safe...
  7. grass master 09

    Do You Have A Cool Tube/Air Scrubber Combo?

    I would somewhat agree. However, you better be careful and filter incoming air from any chance of heavy moisture making it from the inlet to the lightbulb. It should also be screened off to avoid rodent entry. The contraction of the hose should be temporary and is an indication of Kick @$$ cfm...
  8. grass master 09

    is this cleaner good for general grow room cleaning? PIC

    :lol:Don't let your better halves find out we really can clean. They will unleash jehad upon us. LOL
  9. grass master 09

    Bob the builder meets Pete the pot head

    They started from clones from a loving mother. Day 2 of transplant and all is well. New 1k cool tube is odered and should be here J1 or close o Happy New Year.
  10. grass master 09

    offline searchable super grow resource

    I came upon this while researching different operations and thought it might help someone else. It is an impressive guide. You can get it at All credit must go to Over Growers as it is there collection of great work. :cool::!:
  11. grass master 09

    HTG Shipping time???

    I don't know what respective states are represented here but possession of hydroponic equipment is very common for various legal uses. So if you buy from a police front they still lack any evidence of illegal operations. You grow stuff and look shady is not something to take to a judge for a no...
  12. grass master 09

    Digital Greenhouse 600W Balast Problem

    I just picked up the digital 1k with a cooltube from HTG. I will write a review after I finish a complete cycle with it to give it a fair shake.
  13. grass master 09

    Hps 600 or 1000

    The bottom line is light is only one of the factors in your total yield. Your yield should be larger but to quantify it by 60% more yield may be hopeful. Someone would have had to test this to tell for sure and I believe in go big or go home so I started with 1K from the start. Topping will...
  14. grass master 09

    Possible problem with yellowing of leaves pics!

    Check the ph of the drain off. May be too high locking out the nitrogen. Some yellowing can be expected during the flowering stage. Does the rock wool have salt buildup? I would FLUSH< FHUSH<FLUSH with distilled water only. Good luck
  15. grass master 09

    Bob the builder meets Pete the pot head

    they are on 24/7 under 2ea 54watt HO florescent. I have an oil filled heater mantaining 72 degrees. I have a humidifyer that has the humitidy between 70/80 %. The will be transported into organic potting soil tomorrow into 2 gal pots. I have a fan that circulates the air and is helping root...
  16. grass master 09

    Bob the builder meets Pete the pot head

    :weed:here are the girls I adopted.
  17. grass master 09

    Sick plant!!!

    I like his effort however, READ! READ! READ!. You can read the whole growers bible online for free. Just Google it. The chip bag is dangerous unless the bags are cleaned. Potato chip grease has a super low flash point and if he uses an incandecent light he may start a fire. This plant started...
  18. grass master 09

    what to tell electrician?

    Someone talked about drilling the basement block wall for duct work. Wrong idea. Go above it to the sill plate. It is wood and easy to get a 4-6 inch hole saw at HD/ Lowes Ect... Or depending on layout, y pipe it in to the existing drier vent to avoid the question of "hey neighbor why so many...
  19. grass master 09

    what to tell electrician?

    That shopping list is some funny shit. LMAO!!!