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  1. M

    Bubblelicious: A Pinch & Scrog Grow w/Pics

    dying to know how bountiful the harvest was. swithcing over to scrogging myself after the first of the year.
  2. M

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    We're chopping later on today. I'll post some pics.
  3. M

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    But in response to your question, a friend of mine has picked up a theory that says you don't really need to flush, as you can get rid of the clorophyl, etc. by giving your buds a proper 2 week cure after you dry those bitches. If the trichs are looking up to your satisfaction, I'd say chop.
  4. M

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    Those buds are looking mighty tasty Growlow. How can I give rep?
  5. M

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    Thanks for the props Growlow. Your ladies are looking sexy as hell right now. I agree, with autos the brief veg time is deceptively important. We are plumping up real nicely, getting a little more weight in them. Today is day 58 for us, we're 4 days behind you, but we're most likely going to...
  6. M

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    As promised, though a few days late, I've got some pics for you Growlow. The pics will go in order from some older shots to the newest. The newest shots were taken last Thursday, which would have been day 53 from seed. Since those pictures were taken, things have gotten retarded. Our main cola...
  7. M

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    I'll take some shots when I'm in there tomorrow and post them up here. We've also got a res of 5 blue himalaya diesels going side-by-side. We're starting to shed leaves right and left. We had a little bit of a magnesium deficiency, but we've got that taken care of, and we're experimenting with a...
  8. M

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    I have an old friend who posts on this site who is lending me his scope. His setup trumps what I've got going on, much bigger plants. Our trichs are getting very, very cloudy. I anticipate some amber to start showing up soon. We're working on 600w hps.
  9. M

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    When do you anticipate to flush? We're on day 50, and we'll probably start our flush on day 58.
  10. M

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    I'm probably gonna put a journal out once we harvest. Shit's been so insane around these parts I haven't had the time to do it right, and I really don't want to be one of those guys that starts a journal and gives up on it. I want to be able to present the information completely and clearly for...
  11. M

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    Excellent journal, Growlow. I followed your last one, and I'm working on some Easies right now that got started right around the same time you started these. You are the fucking man.
  12. M

    New autoflowering grow!!! ONYX,AK47,AK48,Big Buddha amd Smurfberry AUTOS

    Can't wait to see how the ladies are doing.
  13. M

    New autoflowering grow!!! ONYX,AK47,AK48,Big Buddha amd Smurfberry AUTOS

    Very nice Steve. Are you feeding your ladies full strength? I've read a few journals on the forums where people were feeding their autos at half or 1/3 strength. Just curious how you do it.
  14. M

    New autoflowering grow!!! ONYX,AK47,AK48,Big Buddha amd Smurfberry AUTOS

    When you say you're hoping for a bumper harvest, did you stagger your ladies, or are you expecting one to be that bountiful?
  15. M

    New autoflowering grow!!! ONYX,AK47,AK48,Big Buddha amd Smurfberry AUTOS

    very nice. can't wait to see how your ladies flower.
  16. M

    New autoflowering grow!!! ONYX,AK47,AK48,Big Buddha amd Smurfberry AUTOS

    Scribed. Can't wait to see how your Onyx turns out. It's on my list for the next one.
  17. M

    New Grow AK 47 Auto's, Blue himalaya Auto's and Short stuff mix Auto's.

    For sure man. Thanks for the update, congrats on the harvest. How did you like the Blue Himalaya?
  18. M

    NFT hydro auto easy ryder

    Great journal. I've just planted 5 easies and 5 himalaya blue diesels. we lost an Easy in the course of doing business, but we're hoping for the best.